3.3 DNR – Yeah right!   2 comments

So I think the title says it all…no really.  Okay it doesn’t.  But rejoice!  The MacTavishes are not dead!  Far from it in fact, just I’m one of those….I love my simmies, but I can only play them for a few months before I wander off to play with something else shiny.  And yes, I can only do one shiny at a time given that I have a very active toddler to look after.   But once again my attention has wandered over to my sims, and their crazy antics, so that means I have updates!  Yay!

Betty:  “*BBBBLLLEEERRRGGGHHHKK!*  Bad waffles are bad!”

To be honest I don’t know why I have this picture…it’s been 4 months, but I think it’s showing that Betty is once more with child.

Dynamic Stillness contemplates the ANGRY BUNNY for an evening before we release the ANGRY BUNNY into the wild.  Currently it stands between one of the babies room and the tombstones.  It appears to be an effective deterrent.

Meanwhile Chub-Chub spends the day pondering if Thermaplugg, the magical gnome of invention, is edible.

Marsh and Griselda mostly spend their days doing this.  Seriously, this is just the first of many geriatric make-out shots I have.

Griselda:  “I ADORE my husband!  And he’s dreamy, and he’s MINE!  Aren’t you jealous?”

Uh.  if you say so… he’s old anyways.

Marsh:  “The great thing about this gown is I don’t have to wear any underwear….I feel so sexy!  And your mother appreciates it too!”

Chance:  “Dad!  Seriously?  I’m trying to bond with my son.”

Marsh:  “So am I son, so am I.”

3 generations of MacTavish men, and two of them require nappies!

Chub-Chub:  “Chub-Chub attack!”

So after spending the entire day thinking about it, Chub-Chub finally goes after the oddly vulnerable metal gnome.  Too bad Chub-Chub has to wait until tomorrow to find out if his hunt was successful.

Marsh:  “Pssst, Betty you’re going to have a little….*shwisswishswis*.  Don’t tell anyone!”

Like I said, I’ve never had a surgeon predict the gender of the baby, here Marsh is doing it, but as you can see, it’s still a secret!  Tricky Marsh with his personpersonpluses.

For some reason, Griselda had the urge to throw another party.  I don’t know why we bother, because the guests very rarely make it indoors, usually someone whips out a guitar in the driveway, and that is where the party stays.  In this case it is the mother and daughter duo of Fatima and Betty.

Eventually food brings the party-gooers inside…I don’t know, this was taken in August.   Look Sims eating!

Here is my sim-self taking care of one of the twins.  I can tell this is old because my hair totally doesn’t look like that any more.  But Awww, I’m taking care of someone else’s child.

Betty:  “Don’t you just love babies?  I love babies!  I have two, and I’m going to have another one any day now!  We should totally be best friends.”

Sim-me:  “Uh-huh.”

But they are now totally BFF’s…or well distant friends.  My sim family lives next door in the Chateau, so…uh probably should have made friends alot sooner.

Pascal:  “Zat was ze awesome party!”

Yeah I can tell…He was thin a couple of pictures ago.

Soon there will be the pitter-patter of even more little feet, as Betty continues to grow…

See!  She’s as big as a house!  And aww Chance is excited too.


Once again Marsh regales his family with breakfast randomness.

Before resuming his daily make-outs with Griselda.  Awww aren’t these two the cutest?

Betty finally figured that she should probably inform her parents of their impending grandparentships.  As you can see, her father Vadim is over-joyed at the news.  I can’t decide if he looks like a Maharajah or a geriatric Beatle.  What ever he’s trying to be, he totally rocks that look!

Fuggen WordPress decided I needed to log in RIGHT WHEN I WAS SAVING THIS DRAFT, so now I need to caption all these photo’s again!  I’ll admit I gave up in defeat and slithered to my bed to cry myself to sleep after this…anywho onwards!

Betty:  “OH MY GAWD!  I think I stained the carpet!  I hope no-one saw!”

Marsh:  “Calm down, favourite daughter-in-law.  I am a surgeon, I can do this!”

Of course what I haven’t included is pictures of him girly-screaming just like he used to when he was a child.

Betty:  “Awww!  Marsh was right!  It is a little *shwiswhiswhish*!”

Another boy child joins the ranks of Generation Four.  Well done Betty!

Marsh:  “Oh Hello there!  As you can see I’m still a handsome and engaging gentleman, even though I am now so old my life bar doesn’t move at all.  I have to go make out with my wife, she’s awesome!   But it was nice talking to you.  Take care!”

Yes, Marsh is now free of the life bar, and spends his time doing not much at all.  Aside from making out with Griselda as often as possible.

Yes, it really has been that long since the twins were born, here is what I presume is the first born…Talulla MacTavish.  She’s a brave artistic soul sister who likes hamburgers and the color orange.  Now, my theme for names varies from generation to generation.  In this instance Betty is a diminutive of Elizabeth, which is a latinized version of the Greek translation of a Hebrew name that means “My God is abundance” or perhaps “My God is my Oath”… I don’t make this stuff up!  Anywho, Talulla comes from an Irish Gaelic name that was created by mushing the words ‘Princess’ and ‘Abundance’ together: Tuilelaith.

For the time being she is kept amused by the television box.  Yeah I forgot to set up my toddler skilling assembly… d’oh!

Of course, the MacTavish multiple births are cursed with a lack of anything resembling synchronization, so we’re forced to use cake on the other twin.  Hmm I seem to remember having something witty about the two menfolk with the party favors, but I can’t remember it, you’ll have to make something up.

After the mysterious cake ceremony, with mystic party horns we get… Jethro MacTavish! Now Jethro is an insane couch potato, who really likes the Turquoise, the frogs legs, and the Latin music.  I think the ceremony may have adversely affected poor Jethro.  Anywho, for interests sake, Jethro comes from the same Hebrew word in Elizabeth that means ‘Abundance’

Pharaoh of the Sands Sam:  “…water….must…have…water…Just…a…little…furrrrhhh….*dies*”

I love the consignment store, I have have these kinds of shenanigans in the Legacy lot WITHOUT all the hassle of actually travelling to far-off lands and making everything go BOOM!  Do you like him?

Jethro:  “Omnomnomnom!”

Of course, I wanted at least one MacTavish child to be inflicted with the fully plushy glory of the bunny suit, and Jethro is the lucky winner!  Although I am dissappointed that they are no fluffy little paws to complete the ensemble.

Gilbert:  “Omnomnomnom”

Yeah the men in the MacTavish household really like their food.  In case you couldn’t tell from all the eating shots I seem to get of them.

After seeing to his grandson’s needs, Marsh sees to a few needs of his own.   Who wouldn’t want to make out with an aging ninja wife?

Marsh:  “I’ve come over all funny all of a sudden.  Are you invading my personal space again Betty?”

That same afternoon…

Griselda:  “As you can see, I am here…but I really don’t want to be.”

Yeah I don’t want to be here either Griz… Damn dirty lying life bar!

Griselda:  “OH MY WORD!  would you look at that potty?  It’s FILTHY!!”

Betty:  “Maybe if I close my eyes, it won’t really be happening… I don’t want it to happen.”

Ghost-Marsh:  “Damn that painting is trippy”

So many different things going on at the same time!  Oh and I got a new video card, can you notice?  Aside from the new picture size (Finally, the game allows me to have my settings set to my actual monitor size.)  And this is where I got to before WordPress decided to loose all my precious work!  From now on, it’s all original, not some half-arsed attempt to remember what I originally wrote.

Betty:  “Closing my eyes didn’t work!  *bawl*”

Griselda:  “My heart…I think it just stopped.  *heart-wrenching sobs*”

Betty”  “Why is this happening to meeeee???”

Grim Reaper:  “*Knockknock*  Uh hello?  This is a little embarrassing, but I can’t seem to find my way into the room.  I could carve my way through the walls with my scythe, but if someone could point me in the direction of the door that’d be handy too…”

The Grim in Riverview appears to be not quite as smart, nor as interested in soccer than the one in Sunset Valley.  I am yet to decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Chance:  “Dad?  *sadface*”

Grim Reaper:  “Thanks awfully for opening the door old chum.  Much appreciated! … Now where was I?”

Betty:  “*More bawling*”

Grim Reaper:  “Oh yes!  Marsh MacTavish?  Come with me please, I have tea and crumpets waiting for you in my parlour.”

Also, apparently, this Grim Reaper is British.

Ghost-Marsh:  “Please can I stay a little longer?  I want to make out with my hot wife some more!  Pleeeease?”

Chance:  “I hate you so much right now! *sob*”

Grim Reaper:  “I’m afraid I cannot do that sir.  Now be a man!  Chin up!  Stiff upper lip and all that!”

Griselda:  “I can’t bear to watch any more…”

Betty:  “*takes a deep breath and continues to bawl!*”

Aww man, Good bye Marsh dude.  I know we’ll see your ghostly form later on, but you’ve been a blast.  You were barely on my radar before you got voted into heirship, but you’ve undoubtedly been one of the best Sims I’ve had the honor to play.  And now, Marsh lived to 92 days, and managed to accumulate 243,129 Lifetime happiness points.  Possibly a little more, I didn’t have time to check before he passed.

Betty:  “Marsh!  *wail!*”

Chance:  “Dad!  *wail!*”

Of course they then collapsed into each others arms and consoled each other.  Its what Marsh would have wanted after all.

Posted December 17, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation Three

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2 responses to “3.3 DNR – Yeah right!

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  1. So glad this is not on the DNR list! It was a fun read even with the evil WordPress eating your work…twice. Still – sad to see Marsh go…

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