3.7 Bridgeport or bust!   Leave a comment

Welcome back!  As promised, here is a second chapter hot on the heels of the first.  I’m on a roll.  Or something.  Anywho as you may have guessed by the title, the MacTavishes are on the move again.  After doing some research (okay, I read 1 blog but they did research) I discovered that Bridgeport is where all the Late Night happenings are, so despite the fact they’ve been in Riverview for less than a generation, it is time for them to move!  A change is as good as a holiday after all.

Chance:  “Dear Bob Riverview sucks!  It’s so boring now that the movie studio that was here for only 1 week shut down… I need the big lights baby!”

Chance “BRB…”

It makes sense in my little head that Chance and Betty would be the ones behind the move to Bridgeport.  They strike me as more citified and into the celebrity scene.

Talulla:  “Don’t lie Lucy!  I know you’ve been selling off the bathrooms.”

Lesson one – De-constructing actually looses you money.  Sadface.

Chance:  “So lately I’ve been dissatisfied with my life.  You know, I have a solid fan base here.  And I’m grateful.  But THEY HAVE NO TASTE.  And once you’ve gotten hayfever a time or two Riverview looses it’s appeal you know…”

Chance:  “Of course, Riverview can’t be all that bad.  Betty was raised here, and she’s awesome…”

Chance:  “No.  Riverview is sucking the life out of me!  I hate it with a passion.  Something must be done.”

Chance:  “So we’re moving to Bridgeport in the weekend. Yay!”

Chance’s inner monologue bought to you by the chess table.  Also I’ve been looking back at Travis and stuff, and I think I’ve lost my default skin tone… I thought there was something different about the MacTavishes.

Chance:  “So Betty, you know how I’m a hot shot movie composer now?  I was thinking I could be even hotter if we moved to a bigger town.  Or even a city.  You know how those underprivileged city kids always need inspirational teachers…”

Betty:  “I approve of this idea.  Lets get packing!”

And so, the MacTavishes are spending their last week in the Yellow MacTavish House.

Jethro:  “This is not the slide you are looking for…”

Jethro remains blissfully ignorant.

Talulla:  “*sigh*  I’m going to miss you adventure playground.  Some of my happiest memories ever involve you.  *sniff*”

Talulla takes the opportunity to say good-bye to just about everything in town however.

Lucretia:  “WHAT?!?!? What do you MEAN ‘we’re moving?'”

*muffled mumbling*

Lucretia:  “Oh, to Bridgeport!  Why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

Obviously Lucretia has discovered she can extort more money from city-folks than from cow-folks.

Gilbert:  “Hey guys?  I don’t want to alarm you… but they’ve sold the computer.”

Talulla:  “We’re leaving the town where we were born and grew up in, and all you can think about is the computer?”

Lucretia:  “*Yawn*”

Jethro:  “Buster is my hero!”

Seconds later…

Lucretia:  “… where the sun don’t shine.  And thats what you can all do with your moaning.  Now shut up and let me watch my stories!”

Jethro:  “Despite the language you just used, and the fact you are the youngest I now promote you to leader.”

Talulla:  “Well Really!  I never!”

Gilbert:  “I’m just going to concentrate on the television…I will not cry…”

Tensions run high in the MacTavish house as the week slowly (so very very slowly) draws to an end.

Angry Postman:  “This is the last time I’ll shove letters into this letter box… *sniff*”

Angry Postman:  “I’m really going to miss the MacTavishes.  They’re decent folk.”

Awww even angry postman is all sorts of sentimental about the impending move.

Random Paperboy:  “I’m gonna miss these guys too!”

Nevermind we haven’t seen him before today…and if we had we would have had Lucretia out there straight away to make his acquaintance…

Random Paperboy:  “I’m REALLY gonna miss that guy… He’s so dreamy.”

And then the paperboy did this, and my notions about Lucretia’s future happiness withered into dust.

Angry Maid:  “Haha!  You’re moving to a city that makes more money in a day than we do in a year!  Loser!”

Chance:  “Which would mean you could earn more there than here, lazy hag!”

Angry Maid:  “Awesome come back dude!”

There is always one service Sim who feels the need to burst the god-like bubbles of my Legacy Sims.  Speaking of, I couldn’t find Janell to move her along with us.  If anyone has any tips let me know!  That’d be awesome!

Lucretia:  “*speaking in demonic tongues*  Grrrababble rabble rah!”

She has evil red eyes.  They’re quite becoming actually.

So Jon Lessen FINALLY kicked the bucket the other day.  And I was like Aww…and then I get an amusing pop-up informing me that another family had purchased the property and had moved in…

Pascal:  “Finally!  I am living ze dream!”

Sorry to burst your bubble Pascal, but you’ll be moving tomorrow.  Enjoy Jon’s mansion while you can!

Lucretia:  “How am I supposed to live in this filth woman?  There’s plates and clothes everywhere!  You NEED to do something about it NOW!”

So, it actually took me about 3 or 4 gos to get them moved.  It took me a while to figure out that stuff that is in the family inventory, but can’t go into a sims inventory except for when all the stuff is packaged kinda stays there and you can’t do anything with it.  But luckily I worked it out!  And while we lost all of Griselda’s loots, and Marsh’s sculptures we did keep the portraits and some of the gems Travis collected.

Talulla:  “So…”

Chance:  “So…  Did you know you were concieved in this bed?”

Talulla:  “Daaaad!  Awkward!”

Chance:  “And hanging out in my bed isn’t?”

Space is tight and there is little entertainment.  For the first time in their lives the MacTavishes are forced to socialize with each other to keep themselves amused.  It’s quite funny actually.

Jethro:  “Your clothes are like a blank canvas… Canni paint on them?”

Gilbert:  “Uh…”

Chance & Betty: So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu...

One last jam session before they pack up into the car and start their long journey into the unknowns of city living!  I can’t wait!

Seriously, when I said they packed up into the car, I wasn’t joking.  The twins are in the boot.  I think Lucretia had something to do with that.

Lucretia:  “Damn straight!  No put your foot down woman!  I have big city ways to learn!”

And thus, the MacTavishes say good bye to Riverview… and I cease my attempts to create some sort of story line to explain my whims.  Once again, we had to leave Janell behind… If anyone can help me move her too that’d be awesome!

Below this point is me giving a detailed virtual tour of the New New Manor MacTavish.  If that is not your cup of tea (and I think it’ll be pretty dry to be honest…this is blah.  That is X and so on and so forth) feel free to skip the house spam 😀  Otherwise, I’m quiet proud of what I have made, so I’m gunna show it off. 😀

The front of the house.  I was going to have the house a plain beige, but then I decided having it the primary color I haven’t used was more fitting.

The back of the house.  At this point there is no landscaping.  I was scared I was going to run out of funds.  And while the MacTavishes still have a healthy bank balance, I decided to let them build up their funds before making the outside as pretty as the inside.  Speaking of the inside…

This is the entrance hall/foyer.  I’m quite chuffed at how well the current portraits fit in those spaces.

More foyer.  Looking quite swish, behind the stairs are hallways, but we’ll explore through the arches for the time being.

Sadly, Chance didn’t get to keep his music studio, instead they have an artists aclove where the instruments and easels and other artistic things live for the moment.

Adjoining the artists alcove is a bar and entertainment area.  (I’m especially pleased with the bar 😉 )

The entertainment area leads onto the living space, which features a quaint little reading nook.  I was going to go with a bigger fireplace, but the view from that side of the house really was too pretty for me to block it off.

This is the main downstairs bathroom,  Exciting stuff.

The house has 2 2 car garages, I’ve included this one to show what they look like.

This is the study, hopefully it will actually get some use.

Exercise room.  I found the wall pattern hidden away in the misc section and thought it was too pretty not to use.


Combined kitchen/dining.

A clearer view of the dining area.

And one of the kitchen.  The entire room is themed upon the wall-paper.  I thought it was too old fashioned for the house I was building but I kinda fell in love with it.  Luckily I also kind of like the architecture of that period.  I think it came together nicely.

Up stairs hall way.  I’m so happy I managed to build a house with the internal balcony/ 2 story spaces 😀 😀

There is a balcony leading from the hallway above, and this is the view from the balcony.  I personally prefer city-views because they are pretty all the time, whereas ocean views tend to loose their appeal after dark without extra lighting.

There are 2 master bedrooms in this house, this is Chance and Betty’s. They are quite large, and have a private balcony as well.

This is the master bathroom, the other one is the same, except for different fittings and such.

As you can see, the second master bedroom is pretty much the same as the other.  Although at the moment it is a bit of a storage room 😀

Lucretia’s Bedroom.

All of the other bedrooms have ensuites as well.  But I’ve only included a picture of Lucretia’s to give an idea of what they look like.

Gilberts Bedroom.

Jethro’s bedroom.

Talulla’s bedroom.

First Floor of the house.

Second floor.

And thus concludes our tour of the Red MacTavish Mansion.  Obviously we’ll be seeing ALOT more of it in future chapters, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to show it off and pat myself on the back a little.  It was a bit of a drama getting everyone here (and learning how to use porter) but I suceeded!  Also discovering that I could sell the real estate they had accumulated in Riverview was a life-saver!

Talulla:  “Ohemgee!  I LOVE THIS HOUSE!!!”

Lucretia:  “It totally rocks I know!”

As soon as I let them have independant motion, the family scattered to the winds pretty much.  But this picture shall illustrate how much the children really like this house.

Even Kaylynn approves, gracing us with her presence on the very first night.

Ghost-Kaylynn:  “Reminds me a little of the place we had in Sunset Valley… Except much MUCH better!”

You can say that again.  I built on a 50×50 lot, fingers crossed it doesn’t go pear-shaped.

Awesome photo is awesome.  But if you assume that the family is settling down well and loving the new house you’d be right on the mark.

Shante:  “So Mum, whats going to happen next?”

Sim-Me:  “I have no f**king clue, to be honest…”

Riley:  “She hasn’t played that far yet.  The real me is having a vocabulary explosion!”

True story! This week, my daughters vocabulary has exploded!  Not only that but she is constructing sentences and everything!  It is completely blowing me away –> ‘Wanna wanna ice-block pwease!’  ‘Dank you mummy!’  So (understandably from my biased opinion) my play time is restricted to nap-times and late nights.  But now that everything is up to date I can get playing again!  I’m so excited to get the MacTavishes famous… dunno about a ‘Lonely One’ MacTavish yet… Or a butler, I have heard butlers can be b*tches.

Posted January 24, 2011 by seraphyem in Generation Three

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