Archive for the ‘Generation Three’ Category

3.10 Closing Time   Leave a comment

Welcome back to the FINAL chapter of generation three.  Are you excited?  I know I am 😀  No freaking idea who is going to be heir, but I’m excited all the same.  This generation seems to have gone on forever (Mostly cos I abandoned them for a few months…but shush.)

And now!  Words with pictures, or pictures with words!

See my cunning plan?  No?  I put all those annoying things that the family *coughcoughCHANCEcough* roll wishes for between the house and the graves, it keeps the ghosts from waking up the living.  Win-win in my books!

And who is this sexy anachronism?  Why it is none other than grown-up Jethro, now with more side-burns, and more cleavage!  When I grew up toddler Jethro, I was all like ‘Euw!’ but he’s actually grown on me.  No idea why he’s in Gilbert’s room talking on the phone, more insane hi-jinks I suspect.

Jethro:  “I made this garden out of my bare-hands!  Do you know how long it took me to glue together all of that macaroni to make the fence?”

Talulla:  “Uh, less than a second?”

Jethro:  “Longest less than a second of my life I tell you!”

So, at this point in time both twins want to become creature-robot cross breeders.  So they spend a lot of time bonding in the garden.  Talulla loves it, solely because she’s outside.  Aaand someone from her family is actually paying attention to her.

Jethro:  “First I want them to mix together a Hairy Buffalo!”

Talulla:  “Ick!  You would!”

Of course after a long hard day gardening, it makes perfect sense to hit the town right?  Yeah I thought so too.

Not having the patience to have a Sim actually read a newspaper to find out where the hot-spots are, I have the twins hit up ‘Wayne’s Haunt’ or whatever.  They bought a round of drinks and watched the band compulsively… then I got bored…

So they jumped right back into the car again, to head over to The Grind.  Cos every time I’m there it’s pretty much going off.

Legacy-Child dancing on the table FAIL.  😦

This is the first time I’ve ever had a Sim dancing on a table… and I don’t even get to see it front on.  FU, Talulla FU!  While The Grind was packed, there were NO SINGLE MEN.  Which was pretty much the reason I sent the twins out anyways.  And they were whiny tired b*tches, so I ended up sending them home before closing time.

Jethro:  “I think I boobies…er…like…your boobies… er…you!”

Delicia:  “Aww, thats the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.  I think I booby you too.”

Jethro:  “REALLY?!?!!?!!!”

So the next day I sent Jethro out on a date with Delicia.  He got to romantic interest before my closet agoraphobia made me send him home.

Lucretia:  “*Smmmooooch*!”

Speaking of Romance, Lucretia scores her first kiss with Jupiter.  Sorry about the darkness, apparently Lola Belle has banned light-bulbs for philosophical reasons.  It’s not like she can’t afford them after all.

Lucretia:  “So… Before you end up with that skank Elspeth Cook, how about you and me go steady baby?”

Jupiter:  “Kay.”

And thus, Lucretia is the only child in generation four to have a boyfriend during her teen-aged years.  I so suck at teen-aged romance.

Lucretia:  “And THAT’S how you score a man b*itches.  He’s now putty in my hands…mwahahaha!”

Jupiter:  “Her kisses taste like snozberry…deeeerp.”

Lucretia demonstrates her ability to love them and leave them.

Betty:  “Hello?  Is this Tru-Bliss mail-order bride service?  Oh.  You’re a butler service?  Okay, I’ll take one!  Can you send HER out tonight?  Lovely!  Thank you!”

Yeah, I caved.  The MacTavishes are now posh enough to afford a butler.

Well hello there future Mrs Gilbert MacTavish! (aka Camilla Fortescue, the butler)

Gilbert:  “Ah… Ms Fortescue, I was wondering if I could get your advice on something just quickly…”

Camilla:  “Don’tlookdontlookdontlook.  Dammit!  I looked!”

Betty:  “I sense one of my children is being inappropriate with a potential spouse.  I approve!”

Talulla:  “Mom?  Are we going to play catch or what?”

Chance:  “Don’t take on the man, man!”

So, Chance being the four star celebrity that he is was accused of going around starting fist-fights in the street.  He and I were outraged at such a suggestion so we marched right on down to city hall, and litigated their asses.  Despite paying $1600 or so in legal fees, we managed to score $4000 (and chance) from said asses.  And the moodlet went away!  Yay!

At this point, I believe the twins are the only ones who are not famous.  Yeah.

Lucretia:  “Heh!  Gogo Rocket-pack!”

Picture included for awesome!

Jethro & Talulla: Happy Birthday Mom! We made the cake special!

Betty:  “I don’t want to grow old… Uh… Thank you both!”

Betty:  “This is so hilarious!  I’m going to get old and saggy!  Hahahaha!”


Jethro:  “This is like one of those TV episodes where they are in the dentist’s office and they fill the room with laughing gas… Hahahaha!”


Gilbert:  “Maybe we should check the oven, just in case it IS leaking…  Hahahaha!”


Betty:  “But… I don’t want to get old!”

Talulla:  “HAHAHAHA!”

I guess the stove is still leaking then?  Yeah in the end I had to resort to cake, because Betty’s age glitched.  As you can see she was thrilled to bits with the loss of her extended adulthood.

Chance:  “No-one ever suspects the BASS PLAYER!  Mwahaha!”

Jethro:  “This cake tastes like chicken.”

Gilbert:  “Didn’t you make it?”

Jethro:  “Yes I did.  That’s why it tastes like chicken.”

Lucretia:  “Euw!  So totally not eating it now dude…”

The family gamely scoffed down the chicken cake (may it never make an appearance again) so that they could celebrate another birthday.  Although it was pretty close.  See Gilbert?  Your family do love you, and notice you!

Chance:  “Did someone say ‘store-bought cake?”

Jethro:  “What are you going to wish for brother?”

Gilbert:  “Hmmm…”

Gilbert:  “I know!  I wish for you baby!”

Camilla:  “Are you talking to me?  Or to your sister?”

Lucretia:  “Haha!  Looser!”

Attack of the Sparkles!  Gilbert looks as pleased as his mother about the process.

Gilbert:  “Hey there baby, ready to make my wish come true?”

Camilla:  “Oh my god YAY!  Thank you!  He’s pretty!”

Sadly, the game glitched or something, and Camilla forgot she worked for the MacTavishes, so Gilbert couldn’t seduce her in the safety of his own home.  He is currently stalking her by phone so that he can get his relationship high enough to invite her out on a date.  You’d think because he is famous, she’d be all over him.  But no.  Also, the twins are now triplets!  The glitch stole a couple of days from Gilbert’s young adulthood.  FU EA,  FU!

Here is Betty after her make over.   Yes, I like the garage and it’s funky lighting…so everyone now gets a post-makeover shot in it’s awesomeness.

See?  Here’s the self-employed author Gilbert bathed in awesomeness.

So after Betty aged up and got herself as pretty as an elder can, she headed over to Destiny & Maximus’s place for a small party.  Look who I found!  It’s Kindra, and I think she looks like someone cut out Maximus’s face and stuck it on a toddler.  So much like her Dad.

The next day…

Lucretia:  “Thanks for coming over…”

Jupiter:  “Any thing for you babe… now are you sure about this?”

Lucretia:  “Trust me.  It’ll be awesome.”

Lucretia:  “*Manical cackling*  It’ll be awesome like a rocket jet-pack!”

So yeah, I decided that we should probably give Jupiter a make-over so that he fits with Lucretia some more… and the whiny b*tch cried and took massive relationship hits (which I didn’t take any photo’s of, cos I suck.  I realise now that I probably should have :P).  So now he’s barely speaking to Lucretia.  But he does look better!  I discovered he has blue hair, which is pretty awesome.

So far, Gilbert has written a couple of books.  Here he is starting his latest sci-fi novel ‘The Fortescue Equation’.

Bouncer:  “Hello mothership?  Yes it is I.  I haven’t had a chance to report in until now.  But my infiltration is going well.  They don’t suspect I’m not one of them, my disguise is perfect!”

Yeah, I lol’ed when I saw him.  And then I had an idea…

Bouncer:  “And then I said ‘er’ so that we could both say ‘Power’!  Isn’t that awesome?”

Talulla:  “Not really.  But you are hot, so I’ll keep on talking to you.”

And so, Talulla and the Bouncer (who’s name I should remember but I don’t cos he could be Talulla’s husband and I forget about Talulla a lot) are now friends.  I keep on forgetting he’s a bouncer and try to get her to hook up with him in the evenings too.  That doesn’t work out so well.

This makes me happy!  That skill bar is Betty’s 9th, so when that is filled up she’ll have not only maxed out her painting skill, but she will have also achieved her life-time wish!  AND SHE DID IT WITH NINJA’S!

And here is Talulla working on her Handiness skill.  As you can see, it NEEDS a lot of work… She’s not even facing the right way!

Jethro:  “So!  I suddenly decided that I really really want to be a sleazy night-club owner!  Isn’t that awesome?”

So yeah, I decided to spend some of Jethro’s lifetime happiness points on a change of life-time wish.  And that is what he wished for, and it totally fits him better than creature-robot cross breeder, so now everyone is happy.

Feng:  “You need something about as big as a person’s head, like a pot or something filled with water with a small hole in the bottom…”

Lucretia:  “Uh-huh…”

Feng:  “Then you hang your pot over you captives head and let the water do the work.”

Lucretia:  “Thanks for teaching me about chinese water torture Feng!  You’re the best!”

So Lucretia doesn’t appear to be too heart-broken about her recent estrangement from Jupiter.  In fact, she spends her time chatting up the service Sims.  She’s the only one of the MacTavishes to acknowledge their existence so I think they’re flattered or something.

Betty:  “Oh my!  I believe that young man’s willy is flopping about outside of his fly…”

Chance:  “Heh, we should have gone to the gym years ago… years ago I tell you Betty…  Why hello there young bo–Lady, heh!”

So both Chance and Betty have been conned into spending 4 hours at the gym by their agents.  I think they got cash, and annoying wants for jogging and stuff.  But mostly it struck me as to how they were completely out of place.

Speaking of boobies… Jethro invited Delicia over for a stay-at-home date.  Somehow they ended up in his bedroom.

Jethro:  “Tag!  Tag!  C’mon where’s my tag team buddy!”

I don’t think Jethro quite knows how woohoo works, that’s okay.  I’m sure Delicia will teach him.

Delicia:  “Oh yeah!  I’m the man!  I can do my strut and carry a book!”

Jethro:  “*Chhhhoke*   Wish you’d stop!”

This relationship is going to be awesome.  You can tell by this picture!  Also, the strut?  She did it forever, it was crazy.

So, after loosing Camilla inexplicably, the MacTavishes got a new butler.  This is Bertram…I think.  He’s not very pretty, so I didn’t pay any attention to him.  Until he broke the dishwasher, then I was hoping he’d get electrocuted.

Ghost-Dean:  “OMC*!  Chance MacTavish?  Canni have your autograph?  *Insert auto-tuned fan-girl squealing*  I remember when you were just a pimply kid!”

You know you are really famous when your dead robot asks for your autograph!

*OMC = Oh My Circuts!  (or Otara Millionaires Club, How Bizzare!)

Delicia:  “Hey there baby!  I used to be a maid here too.  I like your man-cleavage.”

Eduardo:  “Teehee.”

Jethro:  “So Delicia my love, I couldn’t help but notice you flirting with the maid just before…I’ve got something I’d like to ask you…”

Jethro:  “Will you accept this symbol of our love and devotion?”

Delicia:  “It’s not an engagement ring is it?”

Jethro:  “Of course not!”

Delicia:  “Then yes!  You big lug!”

This is where I discover that Delicia has commitment issues.  Yay!  But still congratulations Jethro! Who would have thought that he’d be the first of his generation to get engaged?

Lucretia:  *sneaksneaksneak*

Jethro:  *Oblivious*


Jethro:  “*high-pitched squeal*”

Lucretia:  “So bro, I hear you got engaged to the maid with the perky boobies!  Gratz dude!”

Jethro:  “I think I’m having a heart attack.  But thanks sis.”

Yeah, so that’s how an evil sim congratulates her siblings engagements.  Perhaps it’s not surprising Jethro was the first after all.

ROFLMAO!  I check back on Jethro to find him doing this.  The most amusing thing about it is that he’s not even watching the front-loading, glass-doored dryer, instead it’s the boring old washing machine.

Jethro:  “The dryer is boring, you can see all of it’s insides.  With the washing machine, I can imagine what’s going on inside for hours and hours.”

Oh right.  Guess I got told huh?

Gilbert:  “Hehe!  I can hear the babies heart beating!  That’s so cool!”

Something you’ve been keeping from us Gil?

Gilbert:  “Nup.  This is my new friend Tiara, she’s having a baby.  With her husband.  I’m just practising.”

Trying to milk a few votes huh?

Gilbert:  “That too.”

Bertram:  “I’m afraid miss, I don’t know any traditional English torture methods.  But I do know plenty of house-keeping tips.”

Lucretia:  “If I couldn’t see right up your nose, I’d be so bored right now.”

Once again, Lucretia is chatting up the staff when they should be doing other things.

Chance:  “So Maximus, I got that $500 in tips you wanted.  How come we couldn’t meet at your place?”

Maximus:  “Mostly because I didn’t want the hordes of paparazzi that follow you around to disturb my new son.  Hey guys! *waves to paparazzi* Good to see you again.”

Yeah, Maximus is totally lying through his teeth about being glad to see the paparazzi again.

Jethro:  “So dude, I hear you’re looking for the good stuff.”

Reuben:  “Uh-huh.  I want to have a good time tonight.”

Jethro:  “No need to look over town, cos I’ve got what you need!”

Despite the very dodgy/mysterious location choosen by these two for the completion of Jethro’s opportunity, they’re talking about fruits and veges.  Seeing as I only had ‘perfect’ fruits to start the garden with, the MacTavish garden is the place for finding the best fruits in Bridgeport.

Lucretia:  “FINALLY!  I will become an adult and RULE YOU ALL MWAHAHAHAHA!”

I’ve been hanging out for this moment.  Lucretia finally ages into a young adult, just like her siblings.  So now, it is time to decide who gets to live in the house forever and ever and ever!  YAY!

Lucretia:  “Mwahahaha!  I look HAWT!”

Mostly because I thought it would be funny if she had hair that looks like fire.  So the roots and the base color are the same, just her high-lights are bright red, and the tips are orange.  😀  Little things make me happy.

Gilbert:  “Canni has the mixologist?”

No, she’s too old for you Gil.

Not having much luck phone stalking Camilla, we sent Gilbert downtown to try and find someone else.  He really didn’t have much luck.  Considering he met up with his father and all.

Gilbert:  “But I want her…”

NO!  Take a look at those naso-labial creases!  She’ll be an elder by the time you’ve finished chatting her up.

Gilbert:  “So, you’re pretty whats your sign?”

And then we ran into Morgrain?  Morgan Worgen?  Some vampire chick.  She’s already married…but they are tots compatible.  And it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve broken up a relationship in this Legacy.  We shall consider it.

Also, Lola Belle Photobomb!

And that concludes the final chapter of Generation Three.  It’s the end of an era… or something.  Anywho.  As always, I like not knowing what direction this legacy is going in, so I’m leaving the selection of heir up to you gentle viewer/reader/uh… Details of the poll will be posted shortly.  Have fun, keep safe and Happy Chinese New Year!

Posted February 4, 2011 by seraphyem in Generation Three

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