Archive for the ‘Bella’ Tag

1.1 Here we go again!   3 comments

Yes once again I have been reduced to lawn living…. My punishment for not following proper procedure in saving the original MacTavishes I guess.  But anywho, every legacy has to start somewhere, and this one is starting here.


Once you have recovered from the awesomeness of Travis’s furnishings (Yes, he only gets a bed and a stereo…everything else is superfluous to requirements really.)  You may have noticed that this is not the fabled Legacy hunka-hunka big wide land.  My own neuroses imply that the bigger the lot the more the chance of big fiery balls visible from space.  So the MacTavishes reside on a lot that is 40×30, with the funds adjusted accordingly.  Otherwise Travis would have started out with $11,000 or so.


To be perfectly honest I think this view is much prettier.  And if you squint, you can also see Legacy Hill in the far distance (That teeny pink smudge is in fact the Alto residence.)

Travis:  “Och nuuu!  I spent all my money on a bed! I hafta cry like a wee lassie now!” 

Well you kinda need it, unless you want to kip on the loungers in the gym.

Travis:  “Yay!  I’ve got a job!”

Yes, I had a fiddle around with his traits just to make it less like Groundhog day.  I also have a different strategy in mind for how we’re gonna work this b*tch out.  Anywho, he’s still neat, frugal and family orientated, but now he also features workaholism and one other trait that is fitting for my Scottish laddie.

Travis:  “Come to Daddy ye wee buggers!  I know ye’re there, I see ye jumping with me own two eyes!”

Yep.  He’s an Angler!

Bella: “Welcome to Sunset Valley Mister! I’m Bella and I’m kind of a big deal!”

Travis:  “Hi little girl, when’s ye birthday?”

Bella: “A million years from now probably”

Travis:  “Well then I canna see why ye’re such a big deal,  your face looks kinda like a fish with those big googly eyes.”

Bella:  “Yeah well, you’re ugly too.  Nahnahnahnahnah.”

After fishing for a while Travis makes friendly with the locals….

Omnomnomnomnom.  Free food tastes the best!

Awwww.  It really is a hard life for this poor little rich kid.  I found him here all alone (not even another little playmate, or parent in sight.)… It made me sniffle it did.

Travis:  “Wow!  What a day!  I sure am ready for bed now!”

Hard to believe but all this Legacy goodness happened all on the first day!  This legacy promises to be just as interesting as the last…And I’m getting better at in game lighting!

Travis gets his groove on in his undies.  See the stereo is always a good buy!

Travis:  “Oh hi Bella, old enough to have my children yet?”

Bella:  “You smell funny.”

Ewwwww!  Creepy Travis is creepy!

Travis continues to mingle with the locals.  This time it’s my boyfriends Simself, who apparently takes chess far to seriously….how the fudge did the game know that???

Travis:  “ZOHMIGAWD!!  I think that star just flashed me!  Cover ye eyes!  Don’t look!”

And for some reason I’m reminded of the movie Stardust….

Travis:  “Do de do de do….”

Time for work Travis!


Travis:  “In a moment….I’m cutting out mah coupons!”

Travis:  “ILY Bella, but I just don’t think it’s going to work out….Its not safe for you.  This will be the last time you’ll see me.”

Bella:  “S’ok.  I have men lining up, even with my googly fish eyes.  Mortimer will take me.  Or else Edward will, or Jacob.  I have options.”

Not that I just did some genetic testing on another sunset valley Bella or anything. 

More chess, this time with former spouse from another life Jamie Jolina.  I think Travis is on the verge of a tantrum.

Travis:  “Darn tooting!  I have a fascination with this woman, and she with me, but still you won’t allow me to follow those natural urges….”

Yeah.  Not interested in your urges buddy.

To celebrate his hard work, I allow Travis this rather decadent treat.  But seriously?  I’ve seen the schlubs that work at that bistro.  $75 is rather over-priced.

Travis:  “I am the man, man!”

Yes, Travis now has a smexy uniform and a car….I think I just included this shot to show him off in his uniform.

Travis:  “Hi, I’m Travis.  I’m a cop.”

Kaylynn:  “I’m Kaylynn.  I’m destined to grow up to be a skank.  Check out my shorts!”

Travis:  “Would you like to be rescued from that fate?”

Kaylynn:  “Would I ever….!”

Kaylynn: “But just think how much people will talk…. you the sexy new cop, me Kate Pistachio’s replacement.”

Travis:  “I’m sexy?  *giggle*  No wai!  You make me blush!”

Seriously, getting to know Bella was a pain in the butt, Kaylynn?  She’s easy man.

Travis:  “So Ms Langerangorak.   When did you know you wanted to grow up to be a maid?”

Kaylynn:  “It’s Langerak.  L. a . n. g. e. r. a. k.  And my phone number is 555-0358, Thats 555-0358.”

Travis:  “I didn’t ask ye yer phone number lassie….”

Kaylynn:  “Yeah but you should have.  And I suppose I’ve always wanted to be a maid.  One of my first memories…..”

She’s so easy that she becomes Travis’s first interrogation victim whilst they are still mere acquaintances.  Although it looks like she is enjoying it if you ask me.


Kaylynn: “How about you slap some handcuffs on me?  I’ve been a bad bad girl.”

Travis:  “Sure I’ll do that just as soon as I want a free ride to the station in a police car, and a pair of overalls that match my hair colour.”

Poor Travis.  We likes Kaylynn.  We’ve already completed genetic testing…in another game of course.  Stay tuned til next time, when more stuff happens.  Yay Stuff!

Posted June 14, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation One

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