Archive for the ‘Edgardo’ Tag

4.3 Attack of the Clones!   Leave a comment

Why hello there!  It’s time for the MacTavishes again.  Yeah I know random, but that just makes it more exciting right?  Anywho I’m publishing this using Livewriter because WordPress went and changed it’s posting options and I just can’t get into the rhythm.  Sorry if this is old news, I’m not as up-to-date as I used to be.  No time for an awkward segue way, on with the show!


Chance:  “Who’s my first grandchild?  You are!  Yes you are!  *Random cooing and whatnot*”

When we last visited the MacTavishes, the first child of generation five had been born!  As you can see, he wants for nothing!  Nothing I tells ya!  Except for maybe a good nights sleep.


Lucretia:  “Hey baby!  How ‘bout you come upstairs and dust my chandeliers?”

Edgardo:  “Mrs MacTavish, my Simlish isn’t perfect… but I can’t help but think that ‘dust my chandeliers’ doesn’t mean what I think it means.”

So you know how I said Lucretia did something that made me feel dirty?  Yeah.  Even writing about it…makes me want to wash my hands.  Compulsively.


Lucretia:  “Just shuttup and kiss me then!  The language of love is *Mmmmppppmmmhhhslurp*”

Things soon progressed.


Edgardo (thinking):  “This bed is as soft as it looks!  And the sheets are crisp enough to put an apple to shame…such luxury I have never experienced in my life!”

Lucretia (thinking): “Yeah!  I’ve still got it!  Take that motherhood!”

And thus Lucretia seduces the hired help, violates her wedding vow and gives the big ole finger to motherhood in one foul swoop.


Edgardo:  “Oh yeah!  I am the hombre!”  *Manly strut*

Lucretia:  “That wasn’t nearly as much fun as I thought it would be…Oh well, I can cross that off my list.”

And thus, my attempt to introduce some drama and hijinks into the family failed miserably…Oh man!


Chance:  “Stupid daughter!  Spent my whole life trying to teach her right from wrong and this is how she repays me…*Mumblemumblemuttermutter*

Chance on the other hand was disguisted by his daughters behaviour.  Despite being in the other room.  I guess them walls aren’t all that sound-proof…or something.  I don’t know how it works.  A wall can stop radio music, but not the woohoo harp music.


Chance:  “Darling I have something to tell you…”

Betty:  “You’re not leaving me for a more exciting less frigid woman are you?”

Chance:  “No no!  Just our daughter…you won’t believe what she’s done now…”

Chance!  Not a word!  It won’t happen again, the less said the better.  Or do I need to bring up a certain Lola Belle?

Chance:  “What?  I was just going to let Betty know Lucy hired a new maid!”

Yeah well,  I’ve got my eye on you!


Speaking of the new maid.  Here he is, and as you can see, there isn’t all that much going on between those pretty ears of his.  Perhaps Lucretia will leave this one alone…



In the babies room a certain cleverly disguised someone waits impaitently…

Yeah lol.  The bear’s foot twitches!  It was much more apparent in game.  This is just making moving pictures out of the 11 or so pictures I took trying to get something that showed it off.


Lucretia:  “Wooot!  New jogging machine aaaaand new lighting!  Now I can feel like I’m exercising underwater!”

Yeah nothing really mentionable about this shot other than I had just got 2 stuff packs in a row!  (Anniversary & Birthday, 3 weeks apart.)  Since then I got the last one for Mothers Day :3  My collection is complete…for a couple of weeks.  And there are no more present-giving holidays until christmas!  Woe is me!


So I also got the Outdoors Stuff 😀  as you can see it makes both me and the MacTavishes very happy… and almost pale and sparkly?


Lucretia:  “Dad!  You can’t go on pretending I don’t exist forever you know?  We live in the same house for crying out loud.”


Chance:  “Well what do you expect when you seem so eager to ride everyone’s rockets?”

Lucretia:  “I know about Lola Belle. I have photos.”

Chance:  “As long as it doesn’t happen again, and you give me more grand-babies, I guess I can forgive you.”


Jupiter:  “Lucy I love you.”

Lucretia:  “Love ya too babe!  Love ya too!  Now how abouts you give me some sugar?”

And the quest for new grandbabies continues!  Yeah, after all that effort not even a single chime was heard.  Sad pandas.


So despite being a boring frigid old woman, Betty is now know Bridgeport wide for beating up innocent people on the street!  I know right?!


Edgardo:  “Ah mi amor!  It has been too long!  Come to Edgardo, come to me!”

Lucretia:  “Uh.  About that.  I can’t see you anymore Edward.  It’s not you it’s me.  I need my space.  We’ve grown apart, we should just be friends.  Okay.  Don’t stalk me.  Bye!”

And with that torrent of cliches Lucretia abandons her evil dreams of bigamy.  (I just couldn’t do it… :<  Besides, Edgardo totally has face1 face!)


Mercury:  “OMGWTFROFLCOPTERBBQ!!  Green milk is AWESOME!”

Someone had a birthday!  And isn’t he the sweetest, most adorable little idiot-child ever?!  loljks


And here he is all made over!  Master Mercury* MacTavish! His favorite color is blue, and he likes to eat crepes whilst listening to Egyptian music.  The random dice at his birth made him an excitable eccentric… which probably explains the crepes and Egyptian music thing.

Also, he looks to be a CLONE of his father.  Just saying

(*Named in honour of my cat whom I adopted from the SPCA in 2000, and who passed away last year.  R.I.P Merkles!)


Chance:  “You can’t stop me!  You can’t stop me!”

Mercury “Gwampa No touch haiwh!” 

Seconds later Mercury proceeded to prove that he could indeed stop his grandfather.


Just because toddlers are cute!  Even the cloned ones!


Lucretia:  “…ZZZzzzZZZ… Dirty nukes…zzzZZZzzz…”

Jupiter:  “Dodedodedooo. *oblivious*”

And this is why I think these two are destined to be together.  Seriously, Jupiter by himself is pretty boring.  But when he’s with Lucretia, even the boring gets more interesting.  Or something.  It’s late, and I may no longer be coherent (Also IWANTGENERATIONSNOW may be interfering with coherency.)


D’aww!  Included for cute.  I think this is Mercury learning to walk or something.  I dunno…I haven’t actually played in a while…O.O This chapter was started over a month ago too.  I r bad simmer!  No cookies.


Jupiter:  “OMG  Lucretia!  Did you see that spider?  I swear it was thiiiiiiiiis big!?”

Lucretia:  “That’s not the only thing you’ve sworn was thaaaaaaat big!  Chill the f**k out already!”

Another picture included for awesomeness!  Check out the lighting on Lucy!


The Hospital:  Where all the cool kids hang out!  (You know they are cool because they’re all wearing sun-glasses)


Lucretia:  “Sweet baby Jebus!  He wasn’t lying about that spider!  And now that it has violated my waffles it must be destroyed!  Kill it with FIRE!”


Creepy replacement maid:  “OMG!  Aliens do exist!  And now I have photographic proof!  I’m so putting this on *insert social media of choice*!”

Uh-oh!  Wrong time to try and get rid of those ridiculous muscles huh Lucy?


Do not attempt to adjust your set!  We are in control of the horizontal, and the vertical (And the diagonal!)   Uh… Do not look behind the curtain.  No I said DON’T look foolish mortal!  Gah!

Okay, so the memory leak that is the Sims 3 constantly annoys me.  I’m willing to play with a bit of mysterious going’s on…but there is a point where I go ‘I can’t take this any more!’ and try something new.  Despite moving quite recently, there was all kinds of buggy shit going down (Gilbert was apparently using the fridge 24/7  dreaded code 12 errors etc).  So I uninstalled re-installed and cleaned up my CC.  And then I cloned the MacTavishes (Taking advantage of CAS to play with boobies and what have you) All the major things are the same, just it’s different.  If you know what I mean?  While they no longer have inherited junk clogging up their inventories, Everyone is at the beginning of their respective life stages, and Chance and Betty lost all of their lovely LTH (both were sitting on 200k +)  So there were positives and negatives.  I did manage to salvage the portraits and tombstones however, and that’s the most important thing!


So creepy it’s awesome!  This is the first sighting of the army of MacTavish clones ready to take on Bridgeport (2.0)!  Of course there very nearly was a paradox where Jupiter would have been able to interact with his child-self!  I thought I was being clever by just using another clone with the gender and age changed…then I realised that just meant more Jupiter genes to infect pollute contaminate infuse the gene-pool.  So if everyone looks like Jupiter in a couple of generations, feel free to point out my fail!


Once again the twins are kicked out into the big bad world by their uncaring family.  As of yet, they appear to have done nothing with their lives.  Considering I set them at adult, rather than YA I suspect they may die childless and alone!  A first for the MacTavish spares!


So we’ll embark on a magical mystery tour of the new house.  I made it smaller because I don’t want everything to get anywhere near ka-blooey!

This is Gilbert’s room, complete with a work-station where he can write his little heart out.  Speaking of hearts I ❤ my new stuff packs!


And here is Lucy and Jups in their pink and white retreat!  I changed up the walls a little but otherwise everything is as close as I could make it.


Lucretia:  “Despite the fact we already have a child together, let’s do the nasty for the first time in this new bed!”

Yeah, house tours just aren’t complete without woohoo, you know what I mean>


And now I interrupt the house tour to show you that the MacTavishes do get out and about some times.  Here they are purchasing Hogan’s Diner in memory of Marsh, who is pretty much the only one who ever learnt how to cook at all.  At the moment, they’re existing off of mac & cheese and waffles.


Gilbert on the other hand has made a new friend.  Say hello to Elvira the oldest and most powerful vampire in all of Bridgeport! Nothing but the best for this spare!


Of course no good friendship is complete without a little sucky-sucky action right?


Elvira:  “Omnomnomnom! *sluuuuurrrrppp!*”

Fun fact:  Omnomnomnom traces it’s origins back to the Cookie Monster!  (Which is kinda how I imagine a vampire to nom)


Gilbert:  “Oh sweet baby jeebus!  The pain!  I think I see my very short existance passing before my eyes.”

Hey buddy, you did ask for it!  Well I guess if you want to get technical I made him ask for it.  Only because I want to kick his ass out as soon as possible.  Mmmm vampire skilling!


Betty:  “Now that you’ve seen the immoral ways of the people they say are my offspring perhaps you’d like to continue the freaking tour?”

It’s like suddenly Betty got dementia and got a sh*t-ton* more entertaining!

*(Sh*t-ton, more than just an ordinary ton, but still less than a f**k-ton)


Oh no wait, it’s just the MASSIVE TV that has given Betty a shot of life in her arm.  I think it’s supposed to be an outside TV, but yeah none of the others filled that space nearly as well, so I said ‘C’mon TV, you can sleep inside tonight’.  And it was happy!

And that’s pretty much the only interesting thing in the Living room.  P.S Have I mentioned I love all the stuff in the stuff packs yet?


And here is the Dining room.  I went with something pretty neutral and clean actually.  I’m kinda missing my crazy patterns.  Which is probably why the accent colour is lime green!


And here is the kitchen.  Same colour scheme.  And I should probably stop using those little decorative elements…but I can’t!  They make it look betterer!

Oh and Hai Chance!


The main downstairs bathroom, with more stuff pack stuff ❤


Garage, Laundry Room and spare bathroom.  Abso-freaking-lutely fascinating stuff here I know.


The Study-Gym!  And it was while taking this picture I realize I forgot to put in a laundry hamper.  D’oh!


And this is the pretty little front garden.  However I had to sell the fountain and stuff to pay for bills.  No-one has a decent job at the moment.


Of course, some of you may have already clued on that I was recycling a previous house design.  I guess I get bored easily, and I was feeling somewhat lazy, so I didn’t want to bother with designing a new house (Although I do love me some open-plan bungalow action!)


And here we have 3 generations of MacTavish women, sharing a traditional meal of waffles and Mac & Cheese.  Of course some are more sharing than others…namely Griselda.

Of course I couldn’t keep the family relationships attached, but it’s nice to know that the previous generations will continue to show up and be annoying!


Mercury: “PeekBOO!  *teeheeheehee*”

Mercury continues to be very cute.  Although I’d prefer it if he got out of the toy-box long enough to do some real useful stuff, like skilling.



Sadly the Anti-Christ child that Lucretia had in the previous timeline wasn’t old enough to make the move with everyone else.  Then again, it DID cause the code 12 (Or 13) errors, so I guess this works out for everyone.  Or something.


Lucretia: “Mwahahahah!  I’m going to put my son to bed so that he can have a good nights sleep and be fresh for learnings tomorrow!   It’s a fiendish plot!”

Mercury:  “Nigh-nigh Momma!  Mwah!”

Yeah.  Evil, but still a dedicated and responsible parent.  It totally goes together!



You can tell he’s a self-employed painter right?  Cos that painting only sold for like $6


This by the way was all Lucretia’s idea.  But D’awww!  Isn’t it sweet?  It’s nice to know that they will actually use the front yard for something!

And yay!  End of the chapter.  It’s only taken me like 6 weeks to get here (NFI where the time went to be honest.) Tomorrow I should be getting my copy of generations delivered to my door!  YAYAYAYAY!  I can’t wait.  But before then hopefully I’ll have another chapter out!  I have the pictures for it, just sometimes I struggle for the words.  And I’ve also become addicted to bead weaving  (google tubular peyote stitch!  It’s addictive).

Posted May 4, 2011 by seraphyem in Generation Four

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