2.9 I like to move it, move it!   Leave a comment

I hadn’t realised it has been so long since I updated, I mean over a week?  No wai!  I’ve been caught up in stuff, namely a huge save file.  It feels like I’ve played the same events over and over… Grrr!  But anywho that’s all over now, and I have pictures that actually relate to the events that are saved and ‘real’.  I’m getting closer to the time when I will start an heir poll.  Still have a little left to do before I get there however.  But without further preamble I give you pictures with words!  Yay words!

Ghost Kaylynn:  “Soooo tired…”

Give it a rest woman!  Spend your afterlife doing something other than exercising!  

Dean:  “Aaaah!  Water!”

Ghost Kaylynn:  “Can’t aghost get a little privacy around here?”

Dean:  “No more than a robot can you old hag!”

Sure enough Kaylynn did something other than exercise and things went wrong.  Seriously these two have a little feud or something going on, Kaylynn wakes Dean up when she sets out for her ghostly adventures (Usually involving cardio-work outs), and Dean spends his very early mornings searching for some way to make her life miserable.  Awesome sauce!


Dean:  “Waaaah!  The computer was too young to die!  *sobsniffle*

Of course it’s not all fun and games for Dean.  Sometimes terrible tragedies occur.  Such as the breaking of appliances.  He’d much rather sob his little binary heart out than do something productive…like fix the darn things.

Griselda is the MacTavishes resident painter, she’s maxed out her skill, and now experiments with new experimental painting techniques.  Here she is attempting to become one with the canvas.  It’s freaky, I’ve asked her never to do it again.  Ever.

Brooke:  “You were always mean to meeeeee!”

Marsh *thinking*:  “That Sally is a really nice old lady.”

Marsh continues to inject family members with glowing green liquids…er I mean, continues his doctoring.


Marsh & Bliss:  “We are so totally not amused…”

There is TOO MANY awesomes in this photo not to include it. 

Bliss:  “So lets play a game okay?  Lets imagine I just jumped on a magical time-travelling airplane…”

*Insert Airplane*   (Actual in-game image that I found tickled my socks that happened as this conversation took place)

Bliss:  “….and go to France, where I meet you as a teenager.  It was love at first sight.  We were just too cute to let anything stop us…That is until I came home and you just disappeared…”

Bliss:  “Can we pretend that happened?  Because that’d be awesome!”

Jeanette:  “Cool story bro!”

Pascal:  “This girl is ze crazy no?”

Actually Pascal, she is not.  I did send the MacTavishes to France (twice) but it made my save game over 9000! (Well 95MB or so) which resulted in so many glitches, including the disappearing Pascal one.  So the third time, instead of sending the MacTavishes to France, I sent a stunt woman, who tricked Pascal into getting a make-over.  While this was happening I stole his DNA and cloned him to seed him into Bliss’s time stream.  (I used Twallan’s Super-computer to get a CAS template.)  For all intents and purposes he IS Pascal Morel, just without the memories or French hidden trait.

Pascal:  “Oh, I see, so you are ze crazy right?”


Can you guess who this might be?  I think it’s hilarious that the game cannot tell when a sim is colouring their hair.  Dewey is by far my favouritest of the other MacTavish offspring… Okay he’s tied with Weston, who is also pretty cool.

Pascal:  “So you are ze Marsh?  This is awesome.”

Marsh:  “Not only am I ‘ze Marsh’  I am also the world renowned surgeon!”

Pascal:  Zis I know, we ‘ave ‘eard of you in my home town.”

Pascal, technically your home town is Sunset Valley.  Of course you have heard of him.

In the tradition of well, just Marsh and Griselda really, we have Marsh use his super charismatic charms to befriend Pascal and move him in… I don’t want Story-progression to get its stinky little paws upon our pseudo-Frenchman.


Chance is pretty assertive when it comes to romance.  These two have been friends for ages (She came over to play when they were smaller a couple of chapters ago.) And I’ve been grooming them because he deserves a spouse worthy of his refusal to roll Rock-Star LTW   I get him to invite Lara inside, and this is what happens.  All autonomous.  Cos they wouldn’t get any if they left it up to me to arrange.

Kaylynn’s hair and sunglasses come out to haunt the pool…lolz!  😉

Seriously woman, give it a rest!  Ghosts are supposed to do interesting stuff, not exercise fanatically!

Bliss:  “I’d love me some hotdog right about now.”

Destiny:  “Bliss loves her some hotdogs!  Shame this is the last one…”

Chance: “Omnomnomnom.”

Moments later…

Bliss:  “Yay!  Hotdog!”

Destiny:  “You could have asked nicely you know…So.  Much.  Pain!”

Lesson learnt:  Do not stand in the way of Bliss and the last hotdog

Destiny:  “Mmmhmmmhmmhmm  that man is fine, even if he has girly hair…”

I decide to hire the repair man mostly because we are having troubles finding Destiny the man of her dreams.  The MacTavishes are slightly out of sync with the reproductive trends of Sunset Valley.  And geeky science guy?  He’s about ready to get all wrinkly and old.  😦

Bliss:  “As fun as this is, I can’t help but feel that I have forgotten something…Hmm.  What could it be?”

Perhaps it is SCHOOL!  Unless I keep a really close eye on her, Bliss is more than happy to skip school.  I suspect it’s her loner trait.

Chance:  “There is something fuzzy in my brain…”

Uh, no.  The only thing fuzzy in that vicinity is your hair.

Destiny:  “This homework.  It is hard.  And my brother is an idiot.”

Go-go Guitar battle!

Obviously I forgot to mention.  Pascal he is awesome.  He also has the virtuoso trait.  He managed to roll an acceptable LTW, why can’t you Chance?

Chance:  “Cos I’m edgy and awesome like that?”

If you say so.

I’ve rearranged Dean’s room in the crypt again.  Now he has absolutely no reasons to emerge to terrify my Sims (Except of course garden maintenance).  However it appears that they have gotten over the horror of living with a Simbot, as Bliss so ably demonstrates!

Bliss:  “Oh my!”

Oh my indeed!  Is it that time already?  Bliss is growing up…I guess I better get a move on then.  Sadly because of her propensity to skip school, and my frustrations over the repeating week…(This is the 3rd time Bliss has grown up.) Bliss was assigned a trait by the game.  She now has a green-thumb.  One more trait she shares with Pascal.

Handyman Kenny:  “Oh my, it smells like happiness in here.”

This is the same handyman that appeared a few pictures ago, I just cleaned him up a little to see how well he cleaned up.  He’s afflicted with Face1 disease, but he is not displeasing to my eyes.  I think I shall have Destiny chat him up a little.

Handyman Kenny:  “So they send their teenaged daughter to speak to me…hmmm.  Is this a Legacy house?”

Destiny: “Apparently so…Look, I don’t like this any more than you do.”

Handyman Kenny:  “Right.  How about when I leave here, I impregnate the first woman I come across and then decide to marry her for the sake of the baby?”

Destiny:  “Sounds like a plan!”

And so Kenny joins the Crumplebottom family after impregnating their cute red-headed daughter…


Bliss:  “So we’ve already overcome so many obstacles…I can’t deny it any longer.  Say you will marry me and prove that our love is forever?”

Pascal:  “Zis box, it is ze awesome! Oui!  Ma cheri!  Oui!”

Pascal:  “Ze ring, it is even more awesome!”

Bliss:  “I know right?”

And thus, after waiting days for Bliss to grow up they can finally be together the way they are meant to be…except for actually getting married.  They have to wait until the Generation 3 heir is named.  Whenever that may be.

Griselda spends most of her time painting.  I thought this was too cute!  Here she is painting a lighthouse, whilst enjoying the view of a lighthouse.

Griselda:  “Well duh!  Obviously I was inspired…”


So Marsh has maxed out his Charisma, and needs only one more best friend to complete all of the charisma challenges…So he invites Derrick over.  And I learned that ‘irresistible greet’ is much the same as ‘twirling’ on the ice-rink in TS2.  In that while the may appear to be platonic, they are in fact romantic interactions. 

Marsh:  “But I got my 10th best friend!”

Never mind you probably confused poor Derrick for life!

Marsh:  “But…”


Marsh:  “Mmmm Ninja booty…*drool*”

Marsh really has eyes for only one person however.  These two are still very much in love and tend to grope each other when ever the opportunity presents itself.  Poor Griz, you can really see how much she has aged in this picture.  Look at all those wrinkles!

Yay!  Ninja Griselda has achieved her lifetime wish!  She did really well, considering she also had 3 babies and grew up in the wild!

Oh hai guys.  Wotcha doin?

Marsh:  “We’re checking out our new home?”

No way you guys can all live in that cottage.

Marsh:  “Oh, we’re not living there.  We just thought it was a cute place to take a photo…”

Sorry about the lack of a decent segue, but after all the issues with the save game game file and the rampant Face1 epidemic, I decided to download some moar mods (Namely Awesome Mod and Porter) and relocate the MacTavishes somewhere else.  That else being Riverview.  I figure they’ll get to Twinbrook eventually.

So this is where you will be living?

Marsh:  “Uh, not quite…”

But it is nice to see everyone has arrived safe and sound.  There was much frantic backing-up before I performed this manoeuvre.

Marsh:  “THIS is where we’ll be living!”

So not wanting to live on the 60×60 lot I finally learnt how to manipulate lots in ‘edit town’ mode!  I moved the French Chateaux over into the 60×60 lot and freed up the 40×40 lot where I built this monstrosity.  I’m rather proud of it, so I am going to share is full awesomeness now.

This is the front!

This is the back! 

Yes I’m addicted to windows…I can’t help it.  They’re pretty and full of glass and stuff.

Second floor.

Ground Floor.

So it’s a bit bare and there isn’t much landscaping, but it’s humongous and it makes me happy.  It took me ages, but I think it was worth the effort. So much symmetry 😀

Immediately upon arrival these three crank open the evil box, and sway disturbingly for a large amount of time.  Then I decided enough was enough and sent the family to a park to make friend with the locals.

(Oh BTW Jon Lessen’s house is awesome.  He has his own stage!)

Unnecessary 4WD in town:  *Angry tooting!!!*

Chance:  “Sorry! My bad!  Must. Cross. Road.”

So why did the Chance cross the road (And risk death by ignorant driver)???

Chance:  “So this town isn’t complete rubbish after all?”

Betty:  “Well it isn’t now.”

Yes, Chance spotted Betty Simovitch, and upon investigation found that she was single!  To work Chance!

Chance:  “OMG YES!!! We have trait compatibility, she’s pretty and she’s single.”

But she’s also unflirty.

Chance:  “I can work with that!”

So already it appears that the move to Riverview was a good one.

Back at Villa de MacTavish a couple of hours later…

Chance:  “So would you like to go steady with me?”

Betty:  “For sure!  D’you know how much rep I’ll get being the girlfriend of the hot new guy?”

Wait!  Chance is hot? 

Betty: “It’s the guy-liner!”


I’m trying not to be sad, cos 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.  But I never only do one chapter at a time, so maybe Destiny will find her own destiny in the next chapter!  Keep reading to find out

Posted July 26, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation Two

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