3.9 Big City Life   Leave a comment

Oh-lo!  When we last visited the MacTavishes, oh about a day ago, they were settling into their new lives in Bridgeport.  And now, their settlement continues!

Please excuse the lame intro, I’ve just woken up, and apparently I’m more creative late at night.

Chance:  “You didn’t clean the toilets again.  You’re going to make my wife very angry.  You won’t like her when she’s angry.”

Delicia:  “As I have told you Meester MacTavish.  I don do toilets.  They’ll ruin my manicure.  Your wife will just have to deal with it…”

Uh-oh!  Dundundun!

Betty:  “Maid!?  Why you no clean toilets?!?!?! *RAWR!*

Delicia:  “Meester MacTavish was right!  I do not like angry Meesus MacTavish.”

Betty:  “Do you know what?  Don’t even bother answering.  YOU’RE FIRED!!”

Delicia:  “Yeah?  Well!  You look like garbage with your non-perky boobies!  I don want to work here anyways.”

Betty:  “B*tch please!  My boobs are still perky!  No I suggest you take your fake-ass and fake-ass boobs out of here before I show you what Russims traditionally do to uppity service sims!”

Moral of the story?  Don’t make Betty angry!

Also, as much as I love Delicia, she is the WORST maid EVAH!  Not surprising considering one of her traits is ‘slob’ I guess, but my family are generally too busy to run around cleaning toilets so I need a maid that will actually clean up and stuff.  (Or…Oh!  Chance can upgrade them to self-cleaning… shoulda thought of that before.)

Gilbert:  “Hello work?  I quit! *pause*  No no, I loved working at the bookstore.  So much so that I decided I really wanted to become an illustrious author… *pause*  I’m quitting because you don’t give me enough time to work on any books. *pause*  Yeah you too.  *click*”

Gilbert hasn’t really made much of an appearance at all really.  Mostly because, he’s the ‘normal’ one of this generation.  Usually he’s sitting quietly doing his homework, or reading a book whilst his siblings get up to all kinds of mischief.  But now I get to add ‘writing books’ to his list of activities.  No matter what the vote turns out to be, he’ll be sticking around a while so that I can get that LTW crossed off my list.

Brando(n):  “Teehee, wanna hear something funny?  We only have one bed!”

Lucretia:  “Huh?  That’s kind of sad actually.”

Lucretia went home with her cousin, Brandon.  And discovered that Pascal has suffered a major step down the property ladder since the Lessen Mansion in Riverview.

Speaking of cousins… this is Malcolm MacTavish.  I think it’s pretty clear who his parents are.  I see so much Maximus in him.  I gave him a better hair cut though, nothing sucks more than having a girls hair-cut when you’re trying to be Indiana Jones.

Paparazzi:  “OMG!  I can just see the headlines now!  I’m going to be so famous!”

So, it’s the first Friday of the first week that the MacTavishes have been in Bridgeport.  And what do you know, I decided to send them out for a night on the town.  Jethro obviously thought it was the perfect opportunity to do his homework…

Hopefully Mr Paparazzi has a better imagination than I, because this is all I could come up with based upon the photo he was taking…  Yeah, I don’t think it’s really that exciting.

Oh hai Destiny!  Look at her pregnant and in her wedding dress!  Awww how cute.  Shortly after this she gave birth to a little girl named Kindra.  Aaand she’s expecting again in game.  Completely disproving my theory that Story-progression was only allowing people to have one child before they got old and died.

Lucretia:  “Woah bro! Watch out for that pelvis!  We’ll just take the long way round.”

Chance:  “Woop! Woop!  This place is HAWT!

Betty:  “Eh.”

Shortly after this the kiddies all piked out and went home, leaving Chance and Betty to boogy-woogy-woogy til the club closed.

Lucretia:  “It isn’t a good night until someone pukes on the white carpet.  *Bleeeaaarrrgggghhh*”

This is the other end of the artists alcove, as you can see, it gets a lot of use.  I’m training Lucretia up in painting… Just in case.


Ghost-Travis:  “Och, the sea is back… but Sunset Valley sure has built up since I last saw it.”

Uh… It’s not Sunset Valley.  It’s Bridgeport, you’ll like it.

Betty:  “Omnomnomnom.”

Ghost-Travis:  “*taptaptaptap*”

Betty really couldn’t care less that she is sharing her table with a ghost.

Ghost-Travis:  “Mmmm boobies. *smirk*”

And Travis actually puts his digital boobies away for a chance to ogle the boobs of his granddaughter-in-law.

Ghost-Travis:  “Euw!  Ghost Robotz, do NOT want!”

Pretty much I included Travis’ antics because I was very VERY excited to see him.  I haven’t seen him in like forever.  And I worried that he hadn’t made the move, but lo it appears the move was a good thing for the immortal remains of the MacTavish founder.

Lucretia:  “What?  I don’t know what it is, but when I do my homework in Jethro’s room it always comes out better.  I don’t know why, I just know it works.  Now get out of my face before I do something to yours!”

Yes.  Lucretia has started doing her homework in Jethro’s room.  I have no idea why seeing as all the desks are free, and there is also a large kitchen table…

Talulla:  “Bloody cow…. I hate her. Just cos she’s the baby she thinks she can get away with anything.”

Lucretia:  “I can hear you, you know…”

Talulla:  “Oh!  Good morning Lucy!”

Okay, I figured out it isn’t just her twin that Talulla barely has any relationship with, it’s her entire family… I suspect her surly demeanor and tendency to use her outdoors mutters inside may have something to do with the current state of affairs.

We have $11,000+ worth of fruits and vegetables sitting in Betty’s inventory doing not much of anything.  So in addition to stocking the fridge, I had Jethro re-establish the family garden… Then I sold about $3,500 of the remaining fruits.  Jethro will need the gardening skill, so will Talulla because they have both decided that they would really like to become creature-robot cross-breeders.

Do you recognise this little old lady?  No?  Not even if she’s rocking yellow eye-shadow?  Yeah, it’s Bliss.  She’s gotten old, that means it’s not that much longer before Chance also sparkles into decrepitude.  To be honest, this makes me happy.  I can’t wait until I have small children again… Not that it was that long ago that the kids of this generation were children.  And of course when I have babies, I’ll want teen-agers again.

Lucretia:  “This plate of goopy cabonara makes me happy.  Waiter?  I demand more pepper!”

Despite having Chance make this meal numerous times this is the first time Lucretia has had the opportunity to eat her favorite meal.  Normally the rest of of the family scoffs them down like there is no tomorrow.

Talulla:  “Teeheeheehee!”

Talulla is over-joyed to discover that the household has sprinklers again!  So much so that she insisted on playing with them at 3.30 in the morning >.<.

So Jethro has a part-time job at the MacTavish Family Cemetery for MacTavishes who weren’t Heirs.  That’s fairly normal, what isn’t is the following.  Every night at 4am (weird part-time hours) when he finishes work he runs out the gates…

To this waiting car.  The car proceeds to do a donut essentially.  (In that it drives forward to turn around, goes about 3 meters then turns around again)…

Where upon Jethro gets out of the car and runs home… O.O  Yeah.  I keep on forgetting to X out that action… Or maybe I don’t cos it is pretty funny ;).

Also, the front is now fully landscaped.  It’s pretty.  Take my word for it.

Lucretia:  “You know, your ideas are usually pretty crazy, but this before school dance party is pretty awesome bro!”

Jethro:  “I know right?  Nothing like getting your groove on to put you into the mood for learning!”

And I was beginning to worry that I spent a lot of time, money and space on something they wouldn’t use.

I’ve begun on the landscaping in the backyard now!  This is the FINAL (hopefully) resting place of the MacTavish Ancestors.  The raised graves belong to Travis and Kaylynn, which is only befitting given that they are the source of all MacTavish awesomeness… or something.

Betty is slowly creeping up that old career ladder.  She is now an assistant principal.  As you can see her uniforms just keep on getting more and more awesome.  Also, she rolled a want to get a tattoo.  So she got pink dolphins.  Yeah, I figured she was a pink dolphins kinda girl.

Jett:  “Oh wow!  You’re prettier than a daisy in a terracotta pot.  Thank you for inviting me back to your place.”

Lucretia:  “De nada, sweetheart.  Now how about you and I get to know each other better?”

So actually Gilbert bought Jett home and I was like Yes!  Go Lucretia go!  So I sent her out to get her flirt on… It seemed to be going well.

Lucretia:  “Pucker up sweetcheeks!”

Jett:  “Uh.  Sorry, I only look bad-ass.  In reality I’m saving myself for marriage.”

It was at this point that my dreams of having babies named after various airplanes began to fade…

Lucretia:  “*Sniff*  Why must you reject me?  Waaaahwhy?”

Jett:  “It’ll be okay.  We can still be friends….  Urgh!  Did you just grab my ass?”

Have I mentioned I really really like Lucretia.  Not much has changed since she was born.  Except the addition of a couple of new traits.  So far she hasn’t rolled an acceptable life-time want however.  Much like her father, I might add.

Jett:  “You know, not many girls would understand and support my choices.  Thanks for giving me this make over Lucy, I can call you Lucy right?”

Lucretia:  “What ever floats your boat.”

And then I got him alone in the make-over room and used industrial strength make-up remover.  IT WAS NOT PRETTY.  And that is why Lucretia no longer talks to Jett.

Lucretia:  “*Sigh*  How was I supposed to know he was a fugly little poser? Sad face.”

I would have thought the make-up would have given it away.  Never fear there is always Plan B!

Lucretia:  “Plan B?!  Oh yes!  *evil cackle* Plan B!”

Lucretia:  “OMG Jupiter, you will NOT believe what Jett looks like under all that make-up!   You need to save me from him.  Seriously!”

Plan B.  Which makes me happier than a baby named B-52 or Harrier!  Jupiter Belle.  Not only does he rate much higher on my arbitrary scale of teen-aged Sim boys, but it is also a Roman name.  AND potentially, the kids of the next generation COULD be named after Roman gods!  That makes his awesome OFF THE MUTHA-FREAKIN CHARTS DAWG!

Chance:  “Finally I have found the darkest place in ALL of Bridgeport!  I will now grow up now.”

FU Chance, FU!  Seriously?  I know it doesn’t look that dark now…that’s cos I photo-shopped the sh*t outta the contrast and brightness.  It seems I’ve been swearing at Chance his entire life… I might even miss the uncooperative little bugger 😉

Go-go Gram-pa sparkles!

Lucretia:  “So, do you see what I mean now Loola?”

Talulla:  “Yeeeaah.  It’s like the crazy-ass decorations make you more creative or something…Wierd.”

Jethro:  “ZZZzzzZZZzzz”

Not content to be the only one who does her homework in Jethro’s bedroom, Lucretia clues in Talulla on the mystical properties of turquoise and purple.

Why hello there Chance!

Chance:  “Finally!  I’ve grown into my looks!”

Yeah, for some reason, I’ve always found Chance to be a little awkward.  Obviously, elderhood is his time to be smexy and stuff.  Or it could just be the dramatic lighting in the garage/salon.

OMG!  Jethro is in his every day normal clothes!  WTF?  I’ve been wanting to show off their awesomeness, but usually he doesn’t oblige.

Betty:  “Who the f**k are you?”

Chance:  “It is I, my sweet.  Your dashing debonair husband!  I only drink Moxy Orange, to keep my glamourous good looks in top physical condition.  Drink Moxy Orange, juice for gorgeous people!”

Speaking of aging up.  I have encountered one glitch, if you will, currently Betty is sitting on 18 days until elderhood.  Yeah.  That’s wrong.  I don’t think she’s ever been much more than 5 or so days behind Chance, so the likelihood is she’ll be getting cake for her birthday!  Yay cake!

This is Feng Choo, I think he’s delightful.  And while he started off pretty awesome, lately his work has begun to fall off.  I may have to set Betty onto him if his performance doesn’t improve.  Yeah still haven’t gotten Chance to up-grade those toilets… Or maybe I should get the twins too, seeing as they need handiness right?  I can’t remember.  Handiness or Logic, one of the two.

Lucretia:  “Hey there sexy!  Looking for a good time?”

Lucretia MacTavish!  WTF?!? You’ve been raised better than this… actually.  Uh.

Lucretia:  “Plan B remember, Plan B.  I’ve got things under control.”

Plan B starts with Lucretia hanging around a dimly lit park (full of parked vehicles btw) propositioning a boy she barely knows.

Talulla:  “OMG YAY!  Birthday!”

What?!  It’s that time already?  No way!  Where has the time gone?

Jethro:  “I like whirly-gig noise makers!  YAY!”

Yes, now both twins are young adults… which hasn’t really changed anything other than the fact I need to get cracking with their pictures and stuff.  HEIR POLL SOON!

Once again the awesome lighting of awesomeness is awesome.  Here is Talulla all grown up.  Yeah, I was uninspired when I did the twins make-overs.  I would have included Jethro’s new grown-up self as well, except I got bored with making him over, and came back to him later on.

Lucretia:  “Uh?  Hello?  My needs are dangerously low here!  What does a girl have to do get some attention around here? We need a butler up in this joint!”

Like you’re ignored Lucretia.  And if you had gone to bed when I told you too, you wouldn’t be waving your arms around like an idiot now.  Shesh.  Teenagers, get off my lawns!

Heh.  Once again I’m up to date.  I’m really enjoying Bridgeport and the new house, so I’m playing almost compulsively.  Still there is a little way to go before I can get cracking on that heir poll.  But soon, grasshopper.  Soon!

Posted January 31, 2011 by seraphyem in Generation Three

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