3.6 Bonza Birthday Bonanza   Leave a comment

Welcome back!  I know it’s been a while, but I’ve been out and about enjoying the summer weather.  Summer is awesome, unless of course it’s an El Nina summer, then it’s just wet and muggy.  We managed to get up to 100% humidity this week.  It was awesome.

Random trespasser is random.  I especially like how the trespasser left her toddler out on the sidewalk so that she could use the trampoline.

Chance:  “Hmmm.  I think I’ve forgotten something…”

Could it be clothes?  Yet again, I might add.  I never seem to see Chance fully dressed these days.  I blame the hot-tub.

Lucretia continues to be her adorably evil self!  Refusing to sleep until the wee small hours.

Jethro:  “Hey there hot stuff!”

Jethro:  “You’re one cool dude you know that?”

Jethro:  “Oggity-boogity!  Haha got you!”

Playing with the mirror is twice as entertaining when you’re insane.

Gilbert is kind of boring actually… He spends most of his time reading.  Of course when you’re trying to read grown up books without first going to school, it might be a little bit of a challenge.

Holy Moly!  Talulla IS NOT in front of the sprinkler!  The end is nigh!

Gilbert:  “Quick, must get inside before anyone realizes we’re related to him…”

Talulla:  “At least he’s not YOUR twin.”

Jethro:  “Hey wait up guys!”

Poor Jethro, then again, he did do 2 more clothing changes before he even got into the door.  Even for an insane sim, he likes his clothing changes.

Janell Valentine:  “So, I hear there has been interest in my awesome self joining your family.  I must say I’m flattered and impressed by your good taste and intellect.”

Chance:  “Uh-huh…”

Janell Valentine:  “I’ll be the perfect daughter-in-law, I’ll even return the stuff I may have borrowed without asking…”

Chance:  “Um…Okaaay.  Look kid, I’ve gotta go… Bye!”

Janell Valentine:  “That Chance is such a sweetheart!  I can’t wait til I’m living with him…. aaand the hot tub!”

Pooping is always such serious business.

So Janell was indulging once again in the hot-tub, and she managed to break it!  OMG I didn’t know that could happen.  And of course the maid took one half-arsed swipe at the resulting puddle before deciding she’d done just had enough and that’ll be $125 thanks!  Yeah I get the pretty, but annoying service Sims!  I’m so lucky.

Janell Valentine:  “When I marry one of your brothers, we’ll be the bestest friends ever… But first I have to choose a brother, if my left finger is Jethro, and my right one is Gilbert… you choose baby.”

Lucretia: “Jefro!”

Yes, cos letting an evil toddler choose the direction your life will go in is always a good idea!

Orphan Constance:  “Thank you for inviting me into your beautiful home once again.”

Talulla:  “Hello?  Guys?  I’m interesting too!  Even if I can’t dance the forbidden dance like Constance.”

While I (and a couple of my readers) are totally heart-farting over Janell, it appears that the boys are far more interested in Orphan Constance.

Gilbert:  “It’s the forbidden dance… mmm forbidden.”

Jethro:  “No it’s not Dumbo, it’s because she has excellent taste in cargo shorts, d’uh!”

They’d be totally heart-farting over her if Sims 3 did that kind of thing… and if they were old enough.

So like last chapter  I said I had been considering building the MacTavishes a new home, then I decided that I didn’t need too (read:  Too lazy to find a layout that fit their lot size…) so I decided to build a couple of extentions on the upper floor.  Well rejoice I managed to have enough spare money to create Chance’s Music Studio, complete with digital fish and exotic instruments.  Now when I loose Betty, I have to remember to check the piano first, rather than the computer.  (Betty is a workaholic, so if I don’t watch her like a hawk, she sneaks off to work from home indefinitely.)

Meanwhile, like all good husbands denied the toys they have worked so hard for, Chance fixes the hot-tub.

Chance:  “I’ve been fully clothed for an entire day!  It’s starting to chafe!”


So here is something I haven’t done ever!  An Autograph session!  As you can see the people of Riverview are almost crapping themselves with the excitement that comes with getting an elusive Chance MacTavish signature… Riverview is such a hick-town.

Fatima:  “So big boy, wanna come over to my place and paint me a rainbow?”

Chance:  “EUW!  Not only are you old!  But you’re my mother-in-law!”

Yes, Betty’s mother is a flirt… Although she is still insistant that she was dazzled by Chance’s famousity… Uh-huh.

Speaking of Simovitches.  Months and months and months ago, I showed you a much younger, much more pregnant Fatima.  Behold the boy-child she produced!  Keenan is also in awe of his famous brother-in-law… Then again this is the first time they have met.  Keenan hasn’t met Betty at all.  Obviously the Simovitches are a close and loving family.

Wow Jethro, I’m sure glad watching the death of one of your neighbors is going to give you a boost in your school performance!  Seriously, he was asked to come here.

Later that evening…

Jethro:  “Holy heeby-jeebys!  I sparkle!  Finally I’m cooler than Edward Cullen!”

Where is Betty you may ask?  You didn’t?  Tough luck you’re going to find out.  She got invited to a party at Bob Newbies house!  Strangely enough, he’s living with Laurel Grisby and they have a child together, but he hasn’t married her.  I think he knows he’s supposed to have married someone else.

Of course if one twin sparkles, it means the other isn’t far behind.  Talulla leaves her childhood years behind as well.

Talulla:  “Holy sh*t!  Those sparkles attacked me with tweezers!  This is so embarrassing…”

Like growing up in your swim wear isn’t?  Both twins were able to choose their traits this birthday, so I went ahead and locked in frugal for them…in the unlikely event either of them becomes heir.  Also, they both really really want to be creature-robot cross-breeders…Yeah.  Awesome.

Bob Newbie:  “So… Wanna hear something funny?  Everyone in the whole town is gossiping about how we are perfect for each other and how we should leave our families and run away together.  Isn’t that a hoot?  *forced hearty laugh*”

So it turns out Bob may have had an alternate motive for inviting Betty to his party.  There are other people there, just he cornered Betty pretty much constantly.  Poor Betty.

Talulla:  “Dresser make Loola angry!”

Lesson learned?  Never insult a dresser else you’ll just end up flat on your arse.

Janell Valentine:  “Hey, dude, I’m sorry…but I consulted with my astrologer and she says we’re just not compatible.  Besides you’re a looney toon…”

Despite my efforts (and Jethro’s efforts) Janell seems resistant to his crazy charms.  Perhaps she’ll be cougar to Gilbert’s cub?  Only time will tell.

Talulla:  “Heh… wait til he finds out no-one is home…”

Of course the MacTavish family is a close and loving one… Yeah.  Talulla has no clue who that is.  Also, this is what she looks like made over!  Rejoice!  The scary eye-brows are gone!

Of course just because Talulla is now a teen ager doesn’t mean she can’t still spend quality time with the sprinkler.

Speaking of quality time, it’s Lucretia’s birthday.  I had to do the maths on it, I write down when they were born and according to my calculations, today is her birthday, the game had her a couple more days of toddlerhood.  But from my perspective she’s been a toddler FOREVER!  Time for it to come to an end.

Angry maid:  “Boo-Hiss!  You suck Chance MacTavish!”

Once you’re a famous movie composer everyone is a critic it appears.  However I wish that angry-maid had waited for a more appropriate moment to express her opinion on Chance’s latest movie score.

Okay, so I’ve shown you Talulla all grown up (almost) so now it is Jethro’s turn.  At first I was horrified by the merger of Betty’s eyes and Kaylynns facial features.  But now…he’s kind of growing on me.

Lucretia:  “I wish for minions!”

Betty:  “Awww, isn’t she adorable?”

Yes, yes she is.  And what evil child doesn’t want minions for their birthday?

Lucretia:  “You’re not supposed to cross the streams…”

Once again the aging process forces my toddler to go cross-eyed.  I do not like this Sam-I-am, I do not like this at all.

WTF?  They don’t have weather, so there is no way the wind changed… Dear Bob I hope it’s not permanent!

Also, Lucretia has lovely blue eyes that come from Bob know’s where.  The other kids have muddy-green coloured eyes (which are quite lovely) and I can imagine they’re a reemergence of Travis’s eye color diluted through a couple of generations of dark-eyed wives… But this?  No clue.

Handy-Many:  “Yo Chance dude!  I’mma focusing on you, because it’s not appropriate to admit the existence of your scantily clad teen-aged daughter.  That cool?”

Once again the repair man comes to fix appliances and ends up commenting on Chance’s parenting skills.

Lucretia:  “You saw my spazzed out eyes.  Perpare to die!”

I have so many <3’s for Lucretia.  She makes some pretty awesome expressions.  Also, it doesn’t appear that she looks like her siblings.  Perhaps Kaylynn’s death-grip on the family genetics isn’t as strong as I have believed.

Harold:  “Hey kid, wanna see my van?  It has candy…”

Gilbert:  “Um.  Is it white?”

No Gilbert no!  Don’t encourage him!

Remember this guy?  For a while he was one of the maids… Now he just chats up the children… I guess a guy is imprisoned by his looks.  you’ve got to admit with that mustache he really does look like a creeper…

Gilbert:  “*Monotone* I love cake.  It makes me so happy inside.”

Lucretia:  “*Monotone* You can say that again.  And the slices, they’re never big enough. Yum cake.”

Yeah, never seen 2 children so depressed at the thought of eating cake.

Talulla:  “Haha!  That idea of yours was brilliant!”

Jethro:  “Which one was that…”

Talulla:  “The one where you told the kids that they were only allowed to eat cake until it was all gone…”

Jethro:  “Hehe.  Yeah.  Silly kids!  Omnomnomnom.”

Well, that explains a lot.

Kaylynn:  “OMGEUW!  Ghostz.  DO NOT WANT.”

Roflmao.  For some reason, I want to call them Pot and Kettle now :D.

Talulla:  “*Sigh*  Can’t you sleep during the day Grandma?  I’ve got school tomorrow.”

Griselda is all tuckered out after a long night of playing video games.  Never mind the fact that her bed is empty, she decided to nap on Talulla’s bed.

Fatima:  “Oh my goodness!  I haven’t seen you since you got married and moved out.  Hey honey, you won’t believe this, our daughter has come to visit.”

Betty:  “Hey mom, dad…Random stranger.”

Fatima:  “That’s your little brother dear… say hello.”

Betty drops by her parent’s house to spend a little quality time for the first time since she was pregnant with Gilbert.

Betty:  “Psst Mum… I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but the only reason I’m here is because you’re going to die later on tonight, and I wanted to see you one last time.”

Fatima:  “Oh…”

And then I got bored and sent Betty home before that actually came to pass, Betty didn’t even get a mourning moodlet.  And considering how close she was to her mother I found that a little sad actually.

Also, I must go back and steal that wall-paper, it’s pretty awesome.

Lucretia:  “So, if I had 3 minions and each minion could intimidate 5 business owners, how much money would my protection racket make in a month?  Hmmm…”

She only looks like she is doing her homework, but in reality she’s practising the skills she will need later on in life.  After all organised crime doesn’t organise itself!

Betty:  “C’mere you!”

Chance:  “I am here.”

Betty:  “Come closer then you hunk of burning pixels… I have my sexy eyes going on!”

You know how I said in the previous chapter that both Betty and Chance had the wish to woohoo locked in?  Yeah, they’re finally getting that wish fulfilled.  They led busy busy lives truth be told.

Ghost-Marsh:  “Dunno how this kid sleeps in this room.”

Jethro:  “*mumblemumble* … You’re the bestest friend a football could ever want… *mumblemumble*”

Jethro finds the black-light soothing… and especially efficient at bringing out the eye-blinding colors of his bedroom.

Ghost-Marsh:  “ZZZzzzzZZZzzz…”

I guess the black light wasn’t a problem for Marsh after all.

Jethro:  “Rubbish!”

You go girl!  Get down with your bad self!  Okay, so I don’t know when Betty officially maxed out her guitar skill, but she has.  But she usually won’t go anywhere near an easel.  Instead she prefers to jam on her guitar which of course makes everyone drop what they are doing to watch her awesomeness.  You’d think after growing up in a household with 2 guitarists, the kids would be immune to the lure of a guitar-player.  But noooo.  Grrr.

Gilbert:  “When I hand this in, I’m so totally gonna get promoted to Dungeon-Master for real this time.”

Lucretia:  *Does not care*.

It appears that the only thing these two have in common is their love for the color white.

I found this kind of amusing.  Instead of doing her homework inside, Talulla uses the rarely used outdoor furniture, thus earning herself a moodlet, and getting her homework done.

All homework done in Villa MacTavish is autonomous.

I don’t think there is a reason for this photo, other than to show that Jethro is capable of getting out and about and appearing kind of normal.  I only let him fish enough to get a fish for his school opportunity.  Otherwise I doubt I would have let him out at all.

Lucretia:  “What you lookin’ at punk?”

Have I mentioned Lucretia makes the best facial expressions ever?  She rarely wanders round templing her fingers like Mister Burns, instead she has a wicked eye-brow quirk and glare.  I loves her!

Chance finally has the time to escape to his Music Studio.  Despite his expression, he’s happier than a pig in mud.

OMGWTFBBQ!  Gilbert MacTavish, I demand that you never make that face ever again!

Gilbert:  “What this face?”

Thats slightly better…

Gilbert:  “Okay I’ll get right on it.”

Gilbert:  “So is this a better expression?”

Yes, I believe that will do nicely.  Thanks for fixing that up so quickly.

Gilbert:  “De nada!  Now can we do something about these clothes?  They’re chaffing me with their un-whiteness.”

Okay coming up!

And here is Gilbert, all teenager-y and made-over.  I must say that he’s scrubbed up nicely.  He reminds me a little of Marsh around the mouth, but I think his nose may be Betty’s.  I don’t know, I don’t really have a clue how the genetics work.  That way I’m pleasantly surprised when they start looking less generic.

And thats it for this time folks!  But fear not, I actually have another chapter in the works as we speak… A major change has occurred (which shall be revealed in the title). and I haven’t really played past that change so much.  I’m taking the time to update the blog before I get into the game once more and I really can’t wait!

Posted January 22, 2011 by seraphyem in Generation Three

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