Archive for the ‘Gilbert’ Tag

4.4 Unholy Creature of the Night…LOL   1 comment

So hot on the heels of the last chapter (which contrary to it’s claims was not published in May, but rather a couple of hours ago.) comes another chapter.  To shake things up a bit I’m gunna try it in WordPress inserting one picture at a time.  It just isn’t possible for me to explain how happy this makes me.  BUT!  Tomorrow is Generations Day!  And if I’m a good girl and get this done, tomorrow I can play!  YAY!   Sadly, I wasn’t a good girl and contracted the PLAGUE!!!! (aka The Cold from Hell) and haven’t been able to play or blog or do anything other than moan on the couch since last friday… Now that I have rejoined humanity, I shall attempt to write more words to the pictures I have accumulated.

Gilbert:  “My love!  It feels like forever since I’ve seen you!”

When we last visited the brand spanking new MacTavishes, Gilbert encountered the alluring and powerful Elvira.  As you can see the relationship has progressed beyond small talk and the transmission of vampirism.  Awww.  Gilbert has a girlfriend!

Gilbert:  “PewpewpewLAZORZ!!”

Elvira:  “Maybe this was not such a bright idea…”

And behold!  The MacTavishes now have an immortal creature of the night!  Woot!  It only took me 6 months or something.  I rock!

Gilbert:  “RAWR!!! I feel the powers of darkeness filling my soul!  At last I am one more step closer to being like my idol!”

Elvira:  “Le yawn.  New vampires are so passe!”

Gilbert:  “Yeah baby! I’m hawt!  Edward Cullen eat your heart out!”

Whilst I was mucking around with my CC I re-discovered my default skins that the MacTavishes started out with.  I don’t know if they work so well with vampirism actually.

Gilbert:  “Hey baby, with my new vampire super-vision I just noticed that your boobies go all the way to the end of the slider.  Wanna make out?”

Elvira:  “Did you just pinch my ass?”

Gilbert:  “Only if you liked it baby!”

So it appears that Gilbert discovered his cheesy sleazy side when he turned!  Yay Gilbert, k go write romance novels now…dammit next time I play he’s totally going to write romance and trashy novels now.  I can just imagine the titles.   Actually no I can’t.  That is why there are no examples of them.  But I’ll think of them at 3am this morning I promise!

Gilbert:  “I’m not a complete douche, honest… I would just die of happiness if you’d be my girl.  Oh wait I just did!  And you made it happen.  Spend the rest of your unlife with me baby!”

It appears that despite Gilberts rather ADHD approach, Elvira agreed to spend the rest of her unlife with him.  Awww.  Don’t you just love a happy ending… It’s almost like Twilight except you know completely different.

Elvira:  “Are you kidding me?  I’ll start charging you if you expect me to sleep with your family too.”

Chance:  “Doodedoodedoo.  I wonder what’s going on in this room?  Maybe it’s exciting passionate woohoo?  I wouldn’t know I don’t get any.”

Yeah.  Chance is lying.  So far the Chance Clone and the Betty Clone have been at it like bunnies.  But I’ve got to make the joke for continuity purposes.

The SECOND Gilbert leaves the room…

Elvira:  “Hey baby!  Come here often? Mmmrrrrrooow! You’re so fine!”

Chance:  “Euw no!  Don’t touch me hussy, I’m a married man!”

Elvira:  “What?  You prejudiced against the undead?  Bigot!”

I suspect that Elvira may have some significant personality issues.  The least of which is the fact that she’ll flirt with ANYTHING!  Pulse not required.

Also I have some issues with her undies.  Am I the only one seeing it?  (Am I the only one who is a prevert?)

Meanwhile, the ghosts are also coming out to play.  There better be werewolves in Unleashed baby!  I had no idea how much I missed my supernatural sims until I had vampire AND ghostly hijinks in the same night.  SO MANY AWESOMES!

Meanwhile in the kitchen…Bobdammit!  What the hell is going on here?

Betty:  “Feeeed meeee!  I’m staaaaarving!”

You have a choice, the charcoal waffles you just decided to make ‘just for fun’ or you know the fluffy delicious waffles behind you.

Yeah.  That joke about dementia in the last chapter… Yeah.  After this episode I’m starting to fear that the joke is on me.

You made the right choice Betty!  Good girl have a waffle!

Lucretia:  “Eeeeeee!  I don’t know if this is such a good idea in my advanced stage of pregancy.  But I’ll do it anyways Lol!”

Yeah.  Darn work-related skilling.

5 seconds later…

Lucretia:  “Ooooh!  I knew that wasn’t such a good idea.”

Jupiter:  “I don’t know what to make of this!  Why is there music surrounding your body?  Why did I jump up in the middle of a deep sleep to come to the Gym-Study?  Why?!  Why?!”

To remove ourselves from the disturbing scene below…let us contemplate Betty teaching Mercury how to pee in her nightgown… Come to think of it, I haven’t seen her in any thing but her nightie for a while.  This is equally disturbing.

Betty:  “So you’re a doctor right?  Ya think you can give me something for this dementia?  It’s been bought to my attention that I have signifigant issues.”

Elvira:  “Well, I could give you some pills.  But it’d cost you… They haven’t exactly been tested on humans yet.”

Seriously, I wish the family would leave the vampire and her undies alone!

As you can see, Lucretia did eventually manage to get out of the Gym-Study, and here she is with yet another boy child!  Dammit!  I had a totally awesome girls name picked out seeing as he was born at the crack of dawn.  Dammit!

Lucretia:  “Here you to my little parasite!  *Shoveshove*”

Even the clone of Lucretia just can’t seem to get the hang of motherhood!

Lucretia:  “Bob fammit!  I think I broke my hip during childbirth!”

Visual glitches are funny!  I don’t know if anyone else gets it with this particular treadmill, but I had to stop and watch Lucretia for a good long while.

Elvira:  “Bbbblllleeeeerrrrrkkk!  *noisy vomiting*”

What?!  You’re still here?  Huh?!

Oh and we know what vomiting means in the MacTavish household don’t we?  Yay illegitimate babies!

Mercury:  Gramma when you die, I’m going to buy you the biiiiiiggest tombstone ever!”

Betty:  “Really?  Just for me?  Awww bless you child!”

Not really.  Because they are clones I’ll be lucky if they get the little sh*tty boxes.

Mercury:  “YAY!  Green milk my favorite!”

Lucretia:  “You worry me”

Same derp face, different derp toddler (Technically)

Jupiter:  “So baby I got a promotion today…”

Lucretia:  “That’s nice dear *yawn*”

Jupiter:  “How bout you and me have a private celebration?  Mmmrow!”

Lucretia:  “Oh my!”

Careful of her hip Jupiter, it IS broken after all.

The next morning…

Lucretia:  “Now where did this watermelon come from?”

Lucretia: “Omnomnomnom!”

Please note this is the morning after, and she isn’t showing yet and she ate like lots and lots of watermelon.  She ate until she got stuffed!  Just saying.

Lucretia:  “Blarrrraaaglebaaarf!  I think I ate too much!”

Superfluous morning sickness shot!

After a busy morning eating watermelons and vomiting Lucretia decided to spend some time with her eldest son.

Lucretia:  “Darling, can you put the round peg in this hole?”

Ah, evil Sims!  Round hole, square peg is rubbish!  A square hole and a round peg is a cunning plan!  Or something.

Lucretia:  “Awww!  This is unexpected!  Now I can show off my taut shiny crotch TO EVERYONE!”

Yeah.  I got me some new maternity clothes, looks like this is a fail :<

Gilbert:  “Oh hai!  I know you haven’t seen much of me since I impregnated my undead girlfriend, but I’ve been busy skilli — OMG THAT DUCK IS SO AWESOME!  Bubble baths are the best!”

And hence, the title of this chapter.

Lucretia:  Mwahahah!  Wearing these pants should be a criminal offense!  But they feeeeeel sooo gooood!”

Yeah.  I do try and keep up with the others, just Lucretia tends to steal the show.

Do you know, I’ve forgotten why I decided to include this picture?  Perhaps it is the awkward angle of his arm that creeped me out.  Or maybe he started singing off key in the shower.  Feel free to make up your own story as to why I felt you needed to see an elderly Sim in the shower.


He’s excitable and eccentric!  He’s pretty awesome himself actually!  (And I think he’s about to grow up.  Awww!)

Betty:  “Hrmmm.  I think I came in here to do something…. Can’t have been that important if I’ve forgotten it….”

It possibly may have something to do with the grandchild you placed on the floor 5 seconds ago.

Betty:  “I have grandchildren?”

Yep it’s a double birthday tonight!  Yay!

Jupiter:  “OMGOMGOMG!!  Panic Stations!  I am so conflicted.  Now we have 3 BIRTHDAYS on the same night!”

Lucretia:  “Seriously?  Chill the f**k out dude.

Yes in true MacTavish Tradition, we have pretty much everyone and their dog* having their birthdays tonight, including the much anticipated girl-child!

*When I get dogs in October I’m sure they’ll join in the birthday shenannigans.


Betty:  “Looking at you makes me wish I had grandchildren.  Who’s a good boy?  So cute I could just gobble you up!”

Uh.  Yeah.  He is Betty’s grandson.

And here he is in all his glory!  One Apollo MacTavish!  He likes Chinese music, Sea foam and crepes.  He hates the outdoors and is a genius also.  And He got Lucretia’s awesome hair :3

Meanwhile, Lucretia and Jupiter begin their 5 day trek to the hospital.  I included this picture because the bridge is so pretty at night.  I think.



Those were my immediate reactions based upong the EPIC FAILURE of the watermelon… I do have a plan in place however…

This is the point where I realised that I had shown Apollo after he grew up, but not Mercury.  Here he is stalking his grandfather in his underwear…er  Seriously, Chance is the one that makes food, so it makes sense to stalk him.  Lucky him developed the ‘photographer’s eye’ with this birthday.  Yeah.

Chance is, as always, a devoted grandfather.  And no.  The pink isn’t some kind of protest against the gender of Lucretia’s third child.  It is in fact the infants favorite colour.  So the pink continues for another generation.  yay.

After snuggling his fourth grandchild, Chance shares his passion for music with his second.  Yes, I say fourth, because Gilbert is the proud father of a little boy named Malcolm.

Kids and their faces right?  Included for cuteness!

Lucretia FINALLY makes it in for her first day of work!  You go girl!

Lucretia:  “Not like they can fire me or anything.  I do own the place.”

Yeah there’s that too.

So I decided to let Gilbert out for a night.  I think he was going stir-crazy.  And look who we bump into, one Elvira Slayer… the oddly absent babby-momma!

Elvira:  “Uh, we gotta stop grinding on each other now… my boyfriend is here.”

Gilbert:  “Rooonreeey!  I’m so Rooonreeey!”

No idea why Gilbert is channeling a Japanese man (Did you know Japan is the home of Karaoke?!).

As soon as Elvira stops grinding on the random however, she’s off into the night to do Vampiric things!  I guess you really do have a different perspective on time when you are an immortal.

Gilbert:  “You thought the music would distract me didn’t you my love?  Well I may not be as old as you, but I trust my keen vampire senses.”

Elvira:  “Gah!  Whatevs!”

Gilbert:  “Woohoo?”

Elvira:  “K!”

Elvira:  “Now I want you to be quiet when we get up to my apartment, your spawn is sleeping.”

Gilbert:  “Who said anything about your apartment teehee!”

Elvira:  “Oooh that’s so naughty.  Excuse us!”

And so I got to experience the hilarity that is ‘Try for baby Woohoo in Elevator’!

Elvira:  “I don’t know what you think you’re doing on the floor.  But you’ll be doing it alone.  Goodnight sir, good night!”

Actually this is the second time that they played in the elevator.  The first time it was all giggles, the second?  Not so much actually.

Gilbert:  “Aww man!  This sucks!  She didn’t even invite me up for plasma *sniffsulk*”

Meanwhile, back on in the Mainhouse:

Betty:  “You’re my grandson?  Why didn’t you say so earlier?  This is so awesome!”

Apollo:  “Lady, you’re wack!”

Apollo:  “Look at the knees.  Look at the knees.  Don’t look any higher…”

And with this awkward candid family moment we leave the MacTavishes.  I did start this chapter almost a month ago, and since then I’ve played.  And played with Generations.  And played some more, so there are definitely more interesting things going on to look forward too!

Also, seeing as EA wants to inflate Facebook accounts artificially I’ve jumped on that bandwagon.  Although I only manage to post memories about 25% of the time.  If you’re interested the link is here:

MacTavish Facebook (aka Sera Sims)

Take Care!

Posted June 26, 2011 by seraphyem in Generation Four

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