1.2 Love Travis’s way!   3 comments

Welcome back gentle reader, without further ado we will launch into the second chapter of the second incarnation of the MacTavishes.

The Workaholic trait is awesome!  Travis averages about a promotion every second day (cos his reports suck…not enough time when it takes him 2 freaking hours to shower….wtf?).  As you can see he has progressed considerably, he is no longer living on the lawn, but is instead living on this platform.  Gogo Travis!

Travis there’s a domestic dispute occurring right behind you!  Shouldn’t you be doing something?

Travis:  “Can ye see the colour of my plumbob woman?  It’s orange!  I must have food IMMEDIATELY!”

Yeah, no wonder I get continual pop-ups asking if Travis would like to switch careers.  I don’t think the game thinks Travis is International Super-Spy material.

At least he has the awesome police car!  Yay!

This is why Travis’s reports suck.  He always gets caught rummaging, and he really doesn’t have the time to make friends with people to question them.  We get by….very very slowly.

Travis:  “Oh hai there Kaylynn….”

Kaylynn:  “Hi Travis.”

Travis:  “So I was wondering…. would you like to have a party with your birthday?”

Kaylynn:  “My birthday isn’t for a while, but sure!  You’re so sweet!”

Yeah.  Travis (Or well rather I should say that I am) is obsessed with under-aged girls and their birthdays.

Travis:  “Oh no!  I’m caught!”

Dorie Hart:  “I love my outdoors, it’s so beautifully decorated!  Yay me!”

Travis:  “Whew, false alarm…*rummages some more*”

This was one rummage that was successful, although it was very close considering that Dorie Hart decided to appreciate her lawn art while we were out there.

In the wee small hours of the evening we had a visit from Twyla Summers, Sunset Valley’s resident Burglar.  She stole Travis’s Toilet.  I’m so not impressed.  He’s trying to build a family home you heartless woman!

The Twyla saga continues when Travis tries to defend his belongings.  Despite being a kick-ass cop, he gets his ass handed to him by a skinny woman.

Travis:  “I am so not impressed by this.  I suck, this woman sucks.”

Yeah, before his unsuccessful confrontation with Twyla, Travis called for back-up, and received the Lady-cop.  She and Twyla go at it and Lady-cop gets her ass handed to her as well.  So far, Cops: 0, Twyla: 2.  I also love Lady-cop’s awesome cat fighting skills in the middle screenshot (whilst Travis obsesses about athletics).  I had Travis attack Twyla again, and this time he was triumphant, however I learnt that once the cop is defeated there is nothing you can do. 😦

Travis continues to make money.  He now has walls and windows and doors and stuff!  Lets not forget a cheap armchair to eat in and study in.  He’s the greatest little money-maker ever!

Travis:  “Hehe.  Worth the money in my opinion!”

Travis comes out of the grocery store looking mighty pleased with himself. 

Oh now I see what you bought Travis you crafty man!  Happy Birthday Kaylynn!  Blow them candles out!

Travis even managed to provide Party guests so he doesn’t look like the creepy older man prematurely aging up a teenaged potential love interest.  Actually who am I kidding?

Kaylynn:  “Oooooh sparkly!” 

Welcome to young adulthood Kaylynn!

Autumn:  “*ding-dong!*  Pizza’s here!  And if you don’t get it in 30 seconds I’ll continue to squish it through your letterbox!”

Yep, Pizza delivery people show the same care and stuff the world over I guess.

Travis:  “I’ve been watching you for a long time, and I have Twallan’s story progression mod, so this is a formality really.  But are ye single perchance?”

Kaylynn:  “Euw, get away old man, I’m desperately in love with that ugly Bunch kid”

Travis:  “Which one?”

Kaylynn:  “Arlo, he’s my soul-mate *sigh*.  So lookee, no touchee comprende?”

WTH?  Seriously, the mod tells me everything.  Except this.  Nevermind.  I have read recently that Legacy founders are home-wreakers, and Arlo’s still a teen.  We’ll get you your younger woman yet Travis!

Travis:  “Hey guys!  It’s MY birthday now!… Guys?!”


Travis:  “Hey where’d everybody go?  The party isn’t over yet!”

Travis:  “Happy birthday to me I guess.  Gogo adult twinkles!”

Aww don’t worry Travis, I’m here for you.  And yes, he’s hit adulthood without a partner or children.  ZOMG PANIC-STATIONS!  (Caps lock means srs bsns!)

The next evening…  (Ignore the toilet, I was concentrating on destroying Kaylynn’s existing relationships.)

Travis:  “So nice of you to visit me.”

Kaylynn:  “No problems Travis, we’re old friends.”

Travis:  “Speaking of that…. I don’t think that Arlo guy is the one for you.  You should ditch him right NAOW!”

Kaylynn:  “Righty-o then.  Consider it done!”

Travis:  “Thanks for breaking up with that Arlo kid.  You know I only have your best interests at heart. *smooch*”

Kaylynn:  “Oh Travis *teehee*  I had no idea.”

Now that matters are once again going to the secret squirrel master plan, on to stage two!  Yes, full throttle courtship!

Travis:  “So I know you only just broke up with that Armadillo kid a couple of minutes ago, but I’m really scared you’ll hook up with some one while we’re here alone at my house.  Say you’ll go steady with me?”

Kaylynn:  “You’re so cute when you’re neurotic Travis.  Of course I’ll go out with you!”

Stage two, step one completed.  We have an official relationship!

Travis:  “But wait there’s more!  I really really like you, and I’ve been alone for such a long time.  Say you’ll marry me so I can go to bed?”

Kaylynn:  “Oh my goshness!  It’s spaaaarkly!  Gimme gimme gimme!  Yay I own sparkles!”

Travis:  “So is that a yes my precious?”

We’ll just assume so.  Despite what it makes you and me.  Stage two, step two complete.  One more step and we’re safe!

And with the make-over and new colour scheme you know Travis isn’t alone any more!  Thats right, Kaylynn has moved in with lots of money and a car and stuff.  And despite the rather suggestive picture above, they spent their first CHASTE night together.  Stage two is complete!  Stage three will commence in the next chapter, and will involve baby-making!  Yay!

Posted June 14, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation One

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3 responses to “1.2 Love Travis’s way!

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  1. I can’t fault you for the cradle snatching. It’s alwatys nice to see a new spouse (and I had a sim cradlesnatch her paperboy, which is even sicker and wronger).

  2. Ah! I thought for a second that Kaylynn was out of the picture :O
    -breathes a sigh of relief-

    Lol at cradle robbing, but it looks like it had to be done. Travis isn’t getting any younger!

    p.s. I’m super excited that Blair Wainwright is preggers/procreating in your neighborhood. love her.

  3. @Nessva

    Keep reading, you’ll get to see a Wainwright child in future chapters 😀

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