1.4 In which not a lot happens really.   2 comments

Do not believe the title!  The title is a lie.  Well….kinda.  Lots of stuff happened, but I didn’t get to take so many pictures of it on account of the awesomeness of having triplets first time round.  Yes, Kaylynn’s first pregnancy resulted in three babies!  And it took a while for me to remember to take pictures. 

Travis:  “Shush now wee man, here’s ye boddle.”

Kaylynn:  “Shush now sweetums, numnums time.”

 It’s not that hard, just time-consuming.  The trick with multiples is to synchronise as much as possible.  And these two have already demonstrated how well they can synchronise together. (Boddle and numnums are words my own daughter uses…she’s 16 months old now.)

 Of course, seeing as these are the first children born to anyone in the MacTavishes, there isn’t a whole heap of adult family around to help out.  (Kaylynn is no longer friends with Parker, and Zelda elderfied and died very quickly.)  So a babysitter is hired for the night-time so that Travis and Kaylynn can get some sleep.  Loretta doesn’t do to badly.  Of course at this stage all she can do is feed them, change them, cuddle them then leave them the freak alone.

The next morning we spot these two outside the door.  You may recognise the blonde.  Yeah Madison VanWatson.  Who the child is I don’t know.  I just know it isn’t hers and she stole it.  What is it with the women in Sunset Valley seriously?  Whats up with the kidnapping! 

Madison:  “It takes a village to raise a child….”

Ok.  Creeped out now.

Still trying to work out what is going on, I get Kaylynn to invite the pair in.  Madison went STRAIGHT for the boy-child.  The poor toddler she kidnapped went straight for the awesome toys.   I know it isn’t an adopted child (even if I can’t remember the name.) because it had one of those unwieldy hyphenated names that Twallan’s story progression mod gives out.

Random Kid:  “Yay foooood!”

Yeah I suppose if my kidnapper were feeding me food…and my real parents didn’t I’d be excited too.  Maybe that’s it, they’re stealing the children to save them.  Or cos they are attention-who..er… whosits. 

Kaylynn:  “So, yeah.  I don’t think that kid is yours.  So I’m going to ask you to leave before you steal one of mine.  See ya round!”

Madison:  “But… uh… my …uh…this…child needs a bath…and a bed-time story….”

Kaylynn:  “You are behaving inappropriately, I must ask you to leave now.  Buh-Bye now!  Cheerio!  Toodle-pip!”

In unrelated news, Doesn’t Madison look hot?  I had considered her for spouse material, cos 2 gingers together is always good for a giggle.

Really, Kaylynn just wanted to work out.  Which she did for 10 minutes until one of the triplets woke up.

Travis: “Aww darling, twas a long, hard day at work.  I’ve a mind to give ye something long…”

Kaylynn:  “Are you out of your FREAKING mind?  I don’t think so mister!”

Travis:  “Whats wrong?”

Kaylynn:  “Nothing.” 

Travis:  “Aww man! *sniff*”

Yeah, we know that nothing means EVERYTHING right?  This is actually our second conception attempt.  After looking after the triplets all day, Kaylynn obviously isn’t impressed with the idea of trying for another one.  Although how she could differentiate baby-making with recreational woo-hoo I don’t know.  So I experimented.  Kaylynn was perfectly fine with recreational woo-hoo, and after she and Travis had a good long sleep, she wasn’t adverse to a bit of baby-making woo-hoo either.  The entire situation amused me to no end.

Bella:  “So I hear you had a daughter.  I have a son with Mortimer… we should arrange a marriage for them or something.”

Travis:  “Actually I have 2 lasses, and a laddie too…and I didn’t invite ye here for that.  I have some questions for ye Miss Bachelor.”

I’m guessing that the Ambitions Patch did more than destroy my previous Legacy, for every multiple birth I’ve had since I patched has been mixed multiples.  Also, Bella and Mortimer are together, but it’s a bit of a psychotic relationship according to the pop-ups, they’ve declared that they are nemesiseseses but still stroll about arm in arm… 

Speaking of the laddie and lasses here they are all toddlified:

This is Ocean MacTavish, The first-born and only son (so far).  He is partial to the Egyptian music, crepes and the colour Lilac.  He’s also absent-minded and grumpy.


Next up we have River MacTavish, who is an insane slob who likes kids music, pancakes and the colour pink.

And finally the Milkmans get…er the youngest triplet Delta MacTavish (NFI where the blonde came from… Oh wait I just remembered TS2 Kaylynn threw blonde kids too right?) but anywho she likes Latin music, lobster thermidor and the colour orange.  She’s also a couch potato who loves to paint.

I like to be creative with my naming themes.  But not to creative cos I’m lazy.  So what I like to do is base the generation’s name off the spouse.  But Kaylynn isn’t a body of water, I hear you ask.  Well technically, no.  Kay is just a nick-name given to people whose names start with K (No shit).  But Lynn on the other hand is actually a Welsh Surname meaning ‘lake’.  So I took that and ran with it.  So expect other exciting water-based names to crop up in the next few chapters.

I adore the triplets really, even if their parents careers and friendships are languishing due to neglect.  These little guys get straight into the skill-building.  ILY.

Delta: “Numnumnumnum.”

Yeah.  I don’t like high-chairs.  But if we don’t have one, they roll continual wants for one.  I swear they are magnets for child neglect.

Kaylynn:  “Bleeeerrrrggghkk….”

I don’t recommend vomiting so hard it comes out of your nose.  Stomach acid is not kind to delicate nasal tissues.  Not that I know first hand.

Of course vomiting generally only means one thing in a Legacy blog.  As I said, after a good nights sleep Kaylynn was receptive to a certain activity. 

Kaylynn:  “Now darling, you need to make lots of money so that mommy can buy a Celestial Steed…”

Seriously, I am not obsessed with sparkly pixels AT ALL.  That being said, my next gaming purchase is more likely to be Ambitions. 

Travis:  “C’mon laddie.  Talk.”

Ocean:  “Nu!”

The skilling continues.

As does the nightly visit from the baby-sitter.  This evening she broke Travis’s work computer.  Cow.  Ah well, at least Kaylynn is handy, maybe she’ll have time to fix it in the morning….


Posted June 18, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation One

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2 responses to “1.4 In which not a lot happens really.

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  1. Eeek! The little buggers are sooo adorable!

  2. Travis has excellent genes, Kaylynns are far superior however…as they are still going strong in Generation Four!

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