1.6 Party of Five…Seriously?!   1 comment

Thanks to Kaylynn’s hissy fit a couple of chapters ago, we had quite an interesting night.  Yes, ALL 5 CHILDREN AGED UP ON THE SAME NIGHT OF AWESOMENESS!!!

First up is Delta because well the first night the triplets aged up, she was last and ended up not being a triplet at all.  So we bought her cake.  We should have bought more…absolute panda-freaking-monium!!

In the other room, River ages up autonomously.  I’m clicking on Sims left right and center, trying to keep up with it all.

Kaylynn releases Marsh so that he can age up with the rest of them. 

Delta ages up just fine.  Then I realise that the other 2 haven’t aged up at all.  Too many freaking birthdays imo.

Junior:  “I’m not afraid to wear a flower in my hair, cos I’m comfortable in my masculinity…”

Travis:  “Pansy.”

Junior:  “No, I think it’s Hibiscus actually.”

Yeah we send Travis off for more cake, he meets this fine example of manhood.  For a long time I actually thought the game had named a girl Junior.  Then I saw him.  Then I realised my game is giving EVERY guy girls hair.  I think I downloaded something bad from the exchange….grrrr

Eventually Travis pulled himself away from the Lady-man to bring back the cake for his borked family.  Here is Ocean growing up.  I also got Brooke aged up.  But their ages don’t match //.; .

Kaylynn:  “Next time we have birthdays, do you mind not crying so hard you get our bathroom floor wet please.  I have enough to do.”

Yes.  I cried.  Well not really.

Delta:  “Why must I have so many siblings?  Why? “

Ask your father dear.  Also, children sleeping in the same room as toddlers?  Not such a good idea actually.

Being an insane looser (yes I random rolled that awesomeness.  No assigned Traits yet…I RAWK!)…Anywho, being an insane looser slob, River immediately decides she wants to be the next Top Model somewhere…she’s presently taking applications from countries now.  I don’t think she knows how it works.  If I’m honest, I don’t know how it works either.

Travis:  “Talk damn ye!”

Yes, Travis gets straight onto teaching Marsh all those important words.  I’ll introduce the twins next chapter…not because I forgot to take photo’s or anything.

Meanwhile the random dice added to Ocean’s awesomeness by giving him the trait No sense of humor.  He immediately rolled wants to write something.  He sat down and wrote for a bit, then decided he wanted to write a sci-fi novel.  So we did that.  It is called ‘Robot Love.’  and is wholly inspired by the disturbing pictures I saw on the latest chapter of the Creeper Legacy.  It earns $89 simoleons a week.

Delta was boring, the random dice gave her the vegetarian trait.  But she made a bee-line to the easel and started painting this.  It reminds me of a Golgothan…I don’t need to explain more do I?

Kaylynn:  “Your daddy found a star and he called it The Dog Star.   So now, he likes to talk about The The Dog Star…weird huh?”

Delta:  “Don’t worry mommy.  I’ll find a star tonight and call it Leopoleon.  Just for you.”

And she did.  Given all the time she spend on the blocks as a toddler, she managed to get her logic up to 5 by the end of the weekend. 

Where you going Delta?

Delta:  “I’m going to painting class, and buying a logic book for Delta…Weeeee!”

Yeah we’re doing alright money-wise, and the kids had wants for these things.

River:  “I hope you aren’t planning on using the toilet after eating that cake.  Cos I broke it….again.”

Yes, the MacTavish household is currently awash with puddles from broken plumbing.  And I didn’t make the connection until now.

Ocean:  “Stupid mailman is in our first day of school photo.  This is soooo not funny!”

River:  “It is important to make a good impression at school, or else the aliens eat your brains.  That is why I’m wearing my party dress.”

Meanwhile the normal one (Delta is seriously normal compared to these two.) is taking her sweet sweet time.

River:  “See that guy there Ocean?  He’s an alien….”

Ocean:  “Yeah?  Okay then River.”

Are school bus drivers really that scary?  I mean the one who did our route was lovely.  Sometimes if you didn’t have money or a ticket he’d let you ride for free.

Kaylynn:  “Just think Travis, once we’re done with these two.  NO MOAR NAPPIES*!”

synchronised toddler training….again.  The blonde that Travis is working with is Brooke, and take my word for it she’s absolutely ADORABLE!

*Nappies=diapers, just like taps=faucets and panelbeaters = body shops.  English is a wonderfully varied language.

Travis:  “Kaylynn ye do realise all the kids are asleep at the same time for the first time in days….and it’s before midnight?”

Kaylynn: “No I didn’t realise that.  Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Travis:  “This feels good.  If only I had the energy to do more…”

Kaylynn:  “I don’t want to open my eyes ever again.”

And thus we come to where I have played up too.  Now, I can run away and play the Ambitions MacTavishes!  (Fully and correctly backed up before I installed.)  OMG get outta my way!

Posted June 20, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation One

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One response to “1.6 Party of Five…Seriously?!

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  1. This is absolutely delightful. I’m so glad I stumbled upon the MacTavish family and I look forward to catching up. Happy Simming!

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