1.10 Arrested Development   1 comment

 Just a quick update before I launch my first ever Heir Poll ever! I have a favourite, but I’d like to think I’ve been fair to all 6 contenders (Except Bayou, she really doesn’t get much photo time.)  So without further ado….

River:  “No matter where I stand, the picture always changes…hmm this box is AWESOME enough for me to wear my pretty dress.”

Brooke:  “I feel like doing my homework riiiiight here.”

I caved and bought the MacTavishes a TV, all those teens had horrible fun meters most of the time.  As you can see, it instantly became a teenager magnet.  Even if they aren’t watching it they like to bask in its neon glow.

Ocean:  “Aah!  Nothing like a refreshing bubble bath eh?”

All except Ocean, who will hog the bathroom all the freaking time if given a chance.  He’s more of a princess than any of his sisters.

Marsh:  “Shush!  The awesome box of awesomeness is getting more awesome!”

I think Marsh is in love.

When Ocean isn’t hogging the bathroom, the maid is.  I don’t think we’re paying her to brush her teeth.

Riley:  “Haha!  You’re getting OLD!”

Irfan:  “Bet you’re going to look like a loser!”

I really don’t know why these two are laughing at poor River, when they could be laughing at…


Or this…!

Yeah, the triplets are young adults, and none of them have romantic interests.  I’m not good at making and maintaining friend for my sims.

Riley: “You sister is a loser, so I’m going to scare the crap outta you! *sneaksneak*”

Given that Riley is actually my in-game daughter I think she’s adorable.  Yeah, she’s Karyn’s mum too.

River:  “Thank you mommy for making my sprinklers better.  I love you.  And Bob the Tomato loves you too…”

Kaylynn:  “That’s okay, I need to do unique upgrades anyways….*awkward*”

River has gotten a job as a Test Subject (I know, totally appropriate right?).  But she doesn’t start for another 2 days, so I had her go out and grab as many seeds as she could, then she planted the things.  She has 25 uncommon seeds we’ll have to plant.  Yay.

Kaylynn:  “So you’re going to be an archite…er arky…interior designer who does more than interiors huh?  Your dad will be so happy.”

Delta:  “Yup.  Just wait til you see what I’ve got planned for this house once we crack open the bank accounts.”

And Ocean?  He just sits around at home watching Bayou and writing more Robotic Romances.  His latest, Artificial Infection didn’t do so well actually.  I. wonder. why?

Also, this shot shows the similarities between Kaylynn and Delta.  Delta has a longer chin and blonde hair, but otherwise she’s a clone.

River:  “Yay!  Pancakes and Gumboots!  My life couldn’t get any better!”

It doesn’t really take much to make River happy.   Oh and lulz, she grew up to be a genius!  Who woulda thunk it?

And yes, we rock the cheap seats with the most expensive table.  We’re cool like that.

Brooke:  “Weeee!  Sprinklers are fun!”

Kain:  “How dare you not invite me into your house…I don’t care if you’re playing with your sprinklers, Kain COMES FIRST!”

Yeah.  Poor Brooke.  She was having such a good time then Mr. Badass comes along to ruin it.

Bayou:  “Give me money now, and I’ll give you some muffins.  Be quick about it, they’re about to get manky.”

Bayou is actually mooching of Badass Kain.  However she does manage to make $9 from her bake sale.  Not at all helped by her mother who kept interrupting her pitch to ask her how her day was.  Then again if my daughter was selling baked goods in her undies, I’d probably try to discourage that too.

I am so AWESOME!  I completed Brookes LTW while she is still a teenager!  Basically the reason you haven’t seen Travis for ages is that he spends all his time picking up rocks and stuff.  He had a really good day $14,000 or so, then Kaylynn got a promotion and Booyah!  LTW complete!  Now to spend that $55,000 (actually $55,614)!

Whats up guys?

Ocean:  “The TV doesnt’ look out-of-place anymore….”

Delta:  “We’re no longer living in squalor.  I only have to share my room with River….Stupid Brooke, we could have had this earlier…then maybe I could have had a boyfriend.”

I managed to complete all the walls, windows and doors, then proceeded to make the downstairs pretty.  I’m quite proud of myself.  Of course Delta’s career really helped out when it came time to purchase all the pretties.

Bayou is the first MacTavish child to do her homework on an actual desk!  The rest tended to do their homework where ever the mood struck them.  So in the entrance or their parent’s bedroom.

This is the front of the house.  I am going to leave landscaping for a while. 

And this is the back.  All 5 of the bedrooms feature ensuites (Some of them only future ensuites at this stage) and balconies.  Quite swish if I do say so myself. 

Delta:  “So if you do real well in school, you can be as awesome as I am Bayou…”

Bayou:  “Whatever.  Hey do you have some simoleons?”

Travis:  “Aww look.  Me girrls are socializing.  I think I’ll just wander on over and join in.  I don’t get to spend much time with my family.”

No sooner had Travis joined his girls when….

Travis:  “Och!  What a peculiar feelin’….I wonder whats coming over me.”

Kaylynn:  “DO. NOT. WANT! “

Awww ;.;

Grim Reaper:  “Prepare to join the South Korean Soccer team old man!  It’s the best team ever!!!  I’m the striker, keeps me fit in between deaths don’t you know…”

Ghost Travis:  “I’d much rather play for Scotland, ye know.  The place I come from.  Please, please don’t make me play soccer for the Koreans….I’d never live it down.”

Yeah so, I think my mod broke my Grim.  He looks just like everyone else, and I like my creepy, be robed skeletal Grim Reaper thanks.  This soccer playing one really ruined the mood of the death of my founder. 

Also a side note, Grim is wearing the NZ soccer shorts!  I know we’re no longer in the World Cup, but nice to see we have our supporters.

And then Grim and Travis depart for places unknown….and the family begins the grieving process….except River who is busy in her garden with Bob the Tomato Plant.

Brooke:  “This has been the best and worst day of my life…I wish the drugs would let me experience that facial expression.”

And with that I’ll leave you to ponder the 6 MacTavish children, and which one is suitable (Or unsuitable) to carry on the Legacy.  A link to the poll will be included in the next page.

Posted June 27, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation One

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One response to “1.10 Arrested Development

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  1. Aww no’s! Rest in peace Travis, he died without naming an heir :O

    Congrats on Brooke’s accomplished LTW!

    The house looks freaking awesome 🙂

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