1.9 So many teens, so little time.   Leave a comment

And again!  Really I think I take too many pictures….I break them up so I don’t have posts with 60+ screenshots in them.  But they’re all important!  I swear!

Poor Kaylynn.  This will be the last time she gets on this contraption.  Shortly after I took this, she maxed out her athletic skill.  Now to stop her autonomously working out so that she can play the Chess.

Brooke:  “Hey everyone?  Guys?  Its my birthday now.  Just thought you’d like to know.  Yay me.”

Yes, the twins are growing up.

Marsh:  “Yay me!  I’m going to be able to make out with girls and junk.”

A moment later…

Marsh:  “Aww man how’m I supposed to pull the chicks with this outfit?  Quick to the wardrobe!

At least Marsh is appropriately excited.

And where was Travis when his dearest wish came true?  At work.  Typical.

Yes, Travis has achieved his lifetime want of  ‘Surrounded by family.’

Speaking of birthdays.  Kaylynn well, she didn’t age up, she aged down.  She was actually due to age up the day before Travis.  But for some reason she got aged almost all the way back down to the beginning of Young Adulthood.  Then she got pregnant.  Then I forgot.  Then I realised she’ll be hanging around for a long time and might be really creepy.  So River used her staff discount and bought a cake for her ‘mommy’.  Happy Birthday Kaylynn!

It looks like they’re there to celebrate Kaylynn’s birthday (and I suspect Travis is genuine), but the teenagers are secretly hanging out for some cakely munchies. 

Brooke:  “Yaaay!  Cake!”

Marsh:  “Daymn that cake looks good!”

River:  “So mommy likes the cake?”

OMG Brooke is that an expression on your face?

Brooke: “They’ve ‘adjusted’ my medication.  I am now capable of at least 5 facial expressions.   Now if you’ll excuse me….Homework is serious business.”

Diedric:  “I don’t know you but I feel compelled to blow raspberries on your tummy…”

Yes, Bayou has extraordinary powers of attraction.  Unlike her siblings she barely spends a minute in her crib.  I have to constantly watch to make sure that she isn’t woken up to be snuggled or played with.

Diedric:  “OMG, there’s a hot chick on the computer right in front of me….WWCSD*?”

WWCSD =  What would Cyclon3 Sw0rd do?

Also in case you can’t tell by his perpetual cross-eyed stare that’s Diedric Wainwright.  Blair’s spawn.

So I’ve been sending Travis out to supplement his income.  Raiding the criminals only nets him $350.  Looking for gems and bugs and junk ~$1000.  Unless of course he runs into Electrocution Bears in the Catacombs.

Bayou:  “About bloody time.  If I had to be swaddled one more minute….er sorry.  Yay spawkles! *Cute giggles.*”

Yet another blonde girl-child.  Is it really too much to ask to have a red-headed child from a red-headed man?  Really?

This picture brings the lolz. Travis laid a golden egg.  And by laid, I mean ‘crapped’, and by golden egg I mean ‘shiny’  Time for the pooper-scooper!

Really it’s just fun and games with the collection helper…and awesome awesome positioning by Travis.

River: “Some day my prince will come….”

For an insane loser, River has a peaceful life.  She mostly spends her free time running from the Music box in the lounge room to the emergency jewels in the bathroom.  She also got promoted in her job at the grocery store and immediately wanted to quit.  I think she was afraid it was some sort of Alien conspiracy.

Marsh:  “You won?  I HATE YOU!!! *throws a tantrum*”

Kaylynn:  “Er right.  I’ll just look over here then.  Cos you know I can kick your ass if you continue that behaviour.”

Marsh:  “Is there anything you’re not good at woman?”

Kaylynn is gaining her logic points slowly but surely.  Marsh spends a lot of time at the chess table (or playing computer games) because the MacTavishes don’t own a TV.

Travis:  “You’re doing the laundry?  Can you be our maid forever and ever?”

Random Man maid:  “It looks like I’m done here.  That’ll be $125.  *dumps wet washing on the floor*”

And yet, Travis applauded this action.  I think his age is catching up to him.

Ocean:  “So, I was wondering if a fine specimen of womanhood like yourself was single.  I have a hankering for a love life.”

Score!  She’s single.  I don’t know why, but Ocean is the only one seriously pursuing any of the numerous teens who come back to spend time at Manor MacTavish.  Even then he’s not successful.

Delta:  “So you’re my Grandmother?  I think I’ve seen you at the spa once or twice, but I didn’t know who you were.”

Illiana Langerak stops by.  This is the first time she has met ANY of her grandchildren.   Oh and check out Super-spy hiding behind the post.

Travis:  “I just don’t trust the woman, ye ken?”

Hai Jamie, still rocking the orange eyeshadow with blue eyeliner then? 

Jamie also stops by.  It’s safe now her ovaries are no longer in production.

Brooke:  “So you have red hair?  How’d that happen?”

Random Redhead:  “Just born that way I suppose?”

Brooke attempts to get brownie points by chatting up a red-head…we shall see.

Travis, I thought you said you didn’t trust her?

Travis:  “Aye, but ye dinna need to trust a woman to dance suggestively with her do ye?”

Good point.  However Illiana was deemed a rude guest and gave every single one of her grandchildren a negative moodlet.  A day or so after this visit she died of old age.  What a shame.  Also given that she was remarkably long-lived, I get the feeling Kaylynn is going to be around for a while.

Ocean:  “And so, I hear that there are situational comedies on the television box.  I was wondering if perhaps sometimes you’d like to watch them with me on the same couch.”

Delta:  “Lolz, he used that same line on that other chick too.  You’re not taking him seriously are you?”

Delta sabotages Ocean’s attempts to get to know this Alto-spawn better.


Yet another random teenager…Or well, kinda random.  This is my Sim-self’s granddaughter Karyn.  I think she’s adorable.  Hence she gets some photo-time.  See all of my pictures are vitally important!

Posted June 26, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation One

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