2.5 Side effects include…   1 comment

Oh how rude of me, I left in the middle of things.  Best be on then wot?  Tally ho! 

Yay!  We have another generation.  Marsh and Griselda start their family off with a little girl.  Welcome to the Legacy bliss baby.

As I explained when Kaylynn started breeding, I use the spouses name to select a naming theme for the next generation.  Griselda roughly means ‘grey battle’ or ‘dark battle’ with hints of warrior lady.  It is germanic in origin, but it’s relatively recent, popping up in medieval literature.  Pretty much Griselda married an a-hole, who took her children away when she had them, told her he had them killed then told her to bugger off cos he wanted to marry someone else.  So Griselda did.  After a number of years he said ‘Hai, I’m marrying a 12-year-old, come be a servant at the wedding.’  So she did.  However when she got there he said ‘Surprise!  All this was a test, I’m not really marrying this 12-year-old, she’s your daughter.  Because you put up with my crap I’m going to let you be my wife and mother to your children again.’  It’s a touching tale of medieval womanly virtue that pops up in Italian literature as well as Chaucer, so I decided that this generation would be given virtue names.

tl;dr:  Griselda had an a-hole husband and got a reputation as the perfect wife, so the kids are going to be named after other less stupid virtues.

Of course the only thing to top a live birth at the party is a live death.  Curse you Pauline, curse you!

Dude in the hat:  “Dude this party is EPIC!”   

Where is the baby?  That’s what I want to know.

Oh, it’s okay, she’s just being kidnapped by this random teen Egyptian wanna-be.  Put the baby down and I won’t have to hurt you.  Seriously, this guy has a bit of an attitude.

Whats up Kaylynn?

Kaylynn:  “Nothing!  This is my ‘I’ve achieved my Lifetime Wish’ face.”

Yes, Kaylynn finally has the perfect mind to go with her scrawny elder perfect body.

Speaking of Lifetime Wishes, Bayou has decided that she’d really really love to have the perfect garden.  So we’ll be getting that done for her.  At this stage in the game she has 6 perfect fruits to plant, just 2 more to develop.  Then I can kick her out just like the others.  Yeah I know, I’ll try to restrain my sentimentality.

Griselda:  “Hey there McSpunky, I think it’s time for my physical *Mmmmrrrrooow*.”

Marsh:  “C’mere baby, lets check your heart rate…”

Yeah.  Marsh is actually a pretty dedicated doctor as you can tell from their seductive conversation.

Once again, more vomit.  Yay vomit!  The harbinger of MacTavish pregnancies since last month.

Marsh:  “I should have known that drug company representative was dodgy…Wait is my arse on fire???!  AAAA….”





“……RRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHH!!!!!!!  Okay, careful on the ladder, I don’t want to slip….”

I hope this gave you as much lulz as it gave me.  I noticed a new interaction: ‘Try experimental treatment.’  So we did, and if I hadn’t panicked Marsh may have died ALOT earlier than I was planning on.  I also woke up Griz and sent her down to put him out, but he ran through the town like a monkey and managed to get himself into the pool. 

Later, back at the Manor MacTavish:

Ghost-Travis:  “Hah!  I’m still da man!”

And no, we haven’t bought any laptops yet.  Travis popped out of his grave clutching this beauty in his hot little  incorporeal hands…Sadly he didn’t leave it behind.  What I want to know is where’d he get the money?  It’s not like he has a job or anything.

Griselda:  “Oh, there’s a see-through guy playing computer games.”

Seconds later…

Griselda:  “Euw!  Dude!  No-one wants to see that.”

I guess that explains the expressions….Yeah I don’t want to know either.

Griselda:  “So my undead Father-in-law, I’m pregnant with your second grandchild.”

Ghost-Travis:  “Thumbs up!”

Babies are boring right?  Yeah that’s what I thought.  So here is Bliss MacTavish.  See what I did there?  Any who, she’s an eccentric loner who loves yellow, kids music, and hot dogs.  And she’s just adorable.

Griselda: “It looks like the view from our house.”

Yeah, if you squint and look at it sideways.  It’s going into one of the bathrooms with no windows I think. 

Family Orientated sims are awesome.  I’ve been lucky that I’ve had one for each generation born.  Not looking forward to the slow skilling that will come when Griselda is no longer around.

Griselda: “Atom…”

Bliss:  “Sif that’s an atom.  It’s not to scale.”

Yes the highly appropriate language learning starts here.

Thar she blows!  Griselda is actually pretty happy and content.  Most especially when she is with child.  I just thought this was a cute picture to end the post with.  Next time:  Moar babies!

Posted July 6, 2010 by seraphyem in Generation Two

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One response to “2.5 Side effects include…

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  1. Lol @ Marsh’s fire butt photos, and baby Bliss with the teen Eqyptian wanna be.

    Lookin forward to more babies, Bliss is a lil’ cutie.

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